Overthinking runes again, part 1

Sep 13, 2007 10:35

Honesty meme. You can post anonymous if you want?

And thank God I saw someone wrote XXXHOLiC/Bakeneko crossover. One less wanting to do immediately. But if we ever hear about the Medicine Seller's backstory? FEAR. I'm sure I'll come up with something.

So, I mentioned I have my runes back here, and that I found the handbook. (First off, I'm not a pagan or a wiccan, but I love consulting oracles. I also do I Ching. Tarot is a funny case because that one hates me and won't answer me and confuses me the fuck out of me. But I like the idea of oracles. I blame it on my mother. The thing with astrology was on my own, but she was the one getting all the fortune-telling crap and letting me use it. Whether they work or Jung was right, I don't care. It's fun to consult.)

...I think I went offtopic. So I have my book here, and I went to check what they said about Sowilo and Laguz. You know, the runes Mokona Modoki have on their earrings? I've talked about it once, ages ago. So here's another source, and let's try to link it to the CLAMPverse.

On Sowilo

Ésta es una runa de gran poder. Carece de posición invertida. Representa la energía solar y la irradiación de sus rayos.[...]
Nothing new here. It represents the sun and its energy, it's powerful shit. The usual. Then they go on about Thor and the Nazis like every time someone talks about that rune. Whatever.

Esta runa de poder irradiante pone a su disposición la vitalidad celular y la regeneración energética. Es preciso obrar cautelosamente si está experimentando un oleaje de impulsos vitales. Tal vez está pasando por un momento de gran creación en todo sentido, y la luz irrumpe en su vida, iluminando zonas jamás reconocidas ni explotadas. No sea por ello arrogante y haga buen uso de su poder creador. El guerrero espiritual sabe retenerse y, si es preciso, emprenderá la retirada en pleno vigor del combate. La totalidad se alcanza al sintonizarse espiritualmente con la energía suprema.
Um, so... to sum it up, it means there's a lot of energy and vitality, and that you're in a moment of creation or exploiting unknown areas of yourself. So you should use this energy well without being arrogant. And also, a fine warrior knows when to back away.

Mmm, in Tsubasa terms... it's more like the opposite is happening, yes? The whole theme is focused on someone losing her vitality, and they're trying to regain it (they mean lots of people and lot of purposes). And the main characters keep losing their power with every angstbulance arc. Of course, it might be meaning the manga's finale, when Sakura's power is restored, and FWR tries to use it. I find the word 'creation' interesting, since there are several artificial/man-created beings in Tsubasa.

With the other interpretation of the rune I had found, I linked it to c!Syaoran. Of course, it was pre-Tokyo. Now it doesn't fit him, although he still is interested in collecting that supreme energy O_o

There's also this idea gnawing me that Clow expected the rune to be positively influencing the main characters. But as Soel's cheerful role gets eaten by angst and plot devices and shock value... I think it might not be working, dear :/

Sigel representa la espada justiciera, el castigo de los dioses. Es también la espada del divino verbo la que atraviesa como un rayo de luz al dragón, expresión telúrico-celeste de las fuerzas ocultas que gobiernan al ser, monstruo de simbología compleja, que sólo puede ser derrotado por el espíritu sabio, por el héroe de corazón puro.
Eeeeeh, I'm not touching this one. It sounds like whoever wrote this was too fond of the Nibelungs. I'm so not going to theorize who/what might be the vengeance sword, the dragon, the wise spirit (in Tsubasa, wise people?! ahahahaha!), or the pure-hearted hero (but I'm getting the feeling it'd have to be Sakura because it's the obvious choice).

La línea de los cultos solares proviene de la India arya, siendo Surya-deva la primigenia deidad... [blahblahblah more Brahmanism], versificaciones sagradas proferidas [blahblah] por los brahmanas, "los dos veces nacidos", quienes han recibido... [blahblahblah]
Okay, this has nothing to do with anything, but I was all "......Clow? Eriol?" while skimming through that text, because it was talking about Brahman priests who are "the twice born" or some weird shit. But it has nothing to do, so moving on!

En la magia, la runa Sigel se utiliza para la destrucción del enemigo y de las fuerzas oscuras. Su acción es muy ofensiva como instrumento en los rituales de castigo. Es tal su poder, que empleado en extremo sentido maligno puede revertirse, ocasionando la ruina total y las mayores tragedias. No es posible quedar impune al manipular indebidamente esta runa. La abyecta liberación de las energías poderosas de Sigel, puede degenerar en la absoluta destrucción. Esta sentencia ocular debe ser cuidadosamente considerada.
...Okay. How to say this. (The text itself sounds sort of batshit in a modern setting.) In magic, it's supposedly used to destroy your enemy and the dark forces. So it's often handled for offense or for punishment. WTF Clow? Well, this week Soel showed more violent moves (and it CAME FROM THE PENDANT) so it's not so far-fetched, but... yeah. It could be funny if Mokona pulls the deus ex machina to end FWR.

The other part says that the power can't be used lightly. And if you use it for evil or stupid purposes, it will bounce at you and bring, well, DOOM. Like, destruction and tragedies and ruin. I'm NOT making this shit up, that's what the text says!

So, in conclusion: a) don't manipulate Soel's powers for evil, and b) ...MORE DOOM? We have enough destruction and tragedies already O_ô

And as crazy as it is to talk about runic magic in a divination book, my mind goes back to the Nazis (not in a Godwin sense, mind you). I mean, they did use Sowilo for evil. And well, it brought doom and destruction to our world indeed. Is that a coincidence? I'm wondering if this has a point and runes do have this esoteric power, or if the author made the last part up.

I'll do Laguz/XXXHOLiC in another post.

tsubasa reservoir chronicle, rants, personal, mokona modoki, clamp, epileptic tree for thought

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