Would you like some awesomesauce with that?

Jun 09, 2007 19:38

I'm still not up-to-date with One Piece, but I just spoiled myself about that thing about Brook's past, you know. HOW MADE OF AWESOME, Oda. *squishes whale plushie*

And in pure procrastination, I went and finished watching the third arc of Twelve Kingdoms. I'm in awe, you guys. This is good shit. This is good storytelling. And I'm not one to fangirl plots with armies and invasions and rebellions (I feel asleep a bit during The Two Towers). But it was so, so good. I had my doubts at first, because Suzu and Shoukei used to be really annoying, but the three girls grew so well as persons. Nice character development, really. And Youko was kickass. Saying that, gee Rakushun, you truly have a touch~~ put any overagressive, bratty girl a week with him, and it works like a charm! XD

No, I mean it, it's an AWESOME arc. Meanwhile, I'm forcing myself NOT to watch the last six episodes. I'm all "we can't stop here, this is En country!", but as a matter of fact I'm stopping there because it'll be En-centric and that's hot and I should be studying now. Nnnnng.

twelve kingdoms, one piece

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