I think I made a choice. I'll be leaving
retrograde_moon alone. Kind of, at least. If I want to plug a website or a fanlisting, I'll do it here, since it's not frequent enough to be qualified at spam and my friends-of list in that account is a subset of mine already.
But I AM keeping the journal alive, even though not in the same way, because it has a special filter I find useful and I watch syndications (webcomics, fanlisting networks updates) from its flist.
Así que bueno, la gente fanlistera que aguanta mis rants y quejidos en locked, no me defriendeen
retrograde_moon. Seguiré haciéndolo ahí XD Lo que no haré son los plugs y preguntas sobre layouts, pero los posts privados para bitchear son para siempre.
And so it won't be so random, I was just attacked by some plotbunnies, but the least obscure that bit me would be one of fill-the-blanks precanon Howl's Moving Castle, about that infamous first time Howl went to Ingary. For some reason I feel like writing Mrs. Pentstemmon examining and nagging a younger, dark-haired, confused-as-hell Howell.
I wonder if there's a way to put Okami characters in the HOLiC universe without time-space traveling. I read a good Spirited Away/Okami crossover that managed that, but the worlds' perceptions of time is too incompatible for me to feel comfortable making them the same 'verse. Mmmmmm. It's just that the sparrows' inn at Sasa Sanctuary is so, so HOLiC material. And hell, Ammy going to the 1000 spirits procession once or twice to get some mana from that tree would be great. And I want Waka to be friends with Yuuko.
...Okay, it's still random.