Living Will

Jul 26, 2009 23:52

I was thinking today about Austin drivers, unexpected medical problems, and other things I like to worry about, and it occurred to me that I might never get around to writing a formal living will in case something incapacitates me at some point and decisions have to be made. I don't know if it would have any real legal bearing, but I thought perhaps it couldn't hurt to make my wishes known in a public forum like LiveJournal. So, if a situation should ever arise in which I am in a coma or a similar state and the doctors overseeing my case believe that there is little to no hope of me ever regaining consciousness, it is my wish that the following be done:

Bring a stereo system with a good set of speakers to my bedside and play "Back in Black" by the Austalian rock band AC/DC. I'll be up before the second verse.
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