Its been quite a while. I left GFR before I was kicked from it... Unfortunately the people I thought were friends in reality were a bunch of backstabbing cuntbags. For the most part.
To every rule there are exceptions, and the 3 admin that weren't total douchebags are the ones I still talk to. Well 2 of them got banned (one for no reason at all) and the last is basically ignored by Lyric and her little crew. But its all good, I learned who is really a friend and who isn't.
I did join a different forum, very laid back, relaxing, no pressure to invite the masses or push yourself to the limit and spend every waking hour on the board ;)
The Familiar Forest is the name of the site ;)
Otherwise.... I'm another year older, another year wiser, the boys are now 6 1/2 and 3 1/2!!! I'm still knitting and being a general geek. Got a few things submitted to hopefully get published!
That's all for now... I'm sure I'll update again soon... maybe ;)