Grey part 26,
superhero!AU. I owe so many comment replies, I'm so sorry, but this weekend I doubt I'll have the chance to post though I *may* be back in the library with nothing to do but teaching prep or the internet, so you kind of know I'll be with you then, right? ^^; Sorry, guys. Life is going to be crazy for a *while
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Yeah, that serial killer - it'll become even more apparent next chapter, but the hark-backs in the Ghost's hallucinations . . . we might forget some stuff he said he went through like it didn't matter all that much to him; he *said* it didn't matter all that much, and we might forget it, but, yeah, he doesn't =/
Burt's 'what did you think was gonna happen?' was a part of this fic I was dreading writing (I *don't choose this shit*, honestly, I knew this scene had to happen and didn't *want* it to ;_; ), because that happens all the fucking time to so many people. It's no wonder the rape conviction rates are where they are. I don't know if *I* could go to the police and look into someone's eyes and see them thinking through in which ways *that* must have been *my fault*. Because we're *taught* to think that way, it's such a hard thing to unlearn, it's such a shock the first time you really come against what you've actually been thinking all along and see it for what it is; yeah, I . . . was not looking forward to writing that corner of Kurt's brain =(
Similarly for Blaine, unpicking not just bad thoughts but entire thought *structures* is a hell of a mindfuck, and, you know, the summary of the first chapter of this fic was really the summary of the whole fic; Everyone's got to learn. ;)
I'm glad you're still enjoying it honey, thank you for reading and all your hard work for phandom - thank you =)
It only occured to me that nowhere in his hallucinations was him, disappearing. You would think people just not seeing him anymore would be terrifying to him? But it's not. The Ghost's been telling people in AtOG that he doesn't want to die, but this made me think if he kind of... Wants to live less now. He's oddly accepting of his "condition", and only worries about the people he is leaving behind. (on that note, he didn't see his loved ones destroying themselves over his disappearance, either... And that just tells me he doesn't really consider himself important enough, and honey, what have you just told Blaine a chapter ago? ;_; all the heartbreak with these babies)
I have finished AtOG this week and am moving on to Grey, and holy shit, only read the first chapter and I'm getting so many things and the picture is so clearer on other issues and GOD, RainJoy, stop giving me all the *feels* dammit.
Have fun thinking on why Kurt's worsts nightmares *didn't* include vanishing ;) I mean, on one level he did remove himself from the situation 'early' by haunting himself, so he might have got around to that particular fear eventually; but on the other hand his relationship to invisibility is really, *really* ambivalent, it's not entirely easy to categorise it as dread alone. He does fear it, but he also craves it. I don't think he's aware himself of how to parcel these things out, what it all actually means to him. When I say the narrators are unreliable, the people they're lying to the most is often *themselves* and often they have no bloody clue that they're doing it (re: Blaine's consistent 'but I'm so useless I never *do* anything ;_;' thoughts when um this fic would been much shorter and nastier were he not there) ^^;
Congrats on your reread and thank you for sticking through it all again honey =) I think there's only like three more chapters before a reread of Grey will become a *very* different beast, so, that'll be interesting . . .
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