Admin! *Threefold* admin!!

Aug 09, 2013 21:55

No! Wait! FOURFOLD admin!!

Disclaimer: I am writing this on the second glass of wine.

Right, so, let us be numerical and organised and shit:

1. Draxie drabbled! I genuinely love Draxie drabbles, they make my day, all the metafandom stuff does; it's nice to know I'm not the only one who spends some portion of her day thinking about superboyfriends ^^ Thank you, honey, it's really cute <3

2. AtOG is being translated into Russian by people more talented at languages than I! (I can do you ancient Greek if you give me a dictionary and grammar and a lot of time, I am otherwise linguistically pathetically monoglot -_-) And they have a cover (the full cover is bloody impressive) and basically, just, oh my god, wow *_* I look forward to all developments on multilingual superboyfriends because then I get to pretend I can read other languages by working through sentences I remember exactly in English? ;)

3. A very important bit of admin (link snagged through fuckyeahthephalanx because otherwise I'd have to go wading through tumblr to find it and it is like watching your grandma on a Playstation, it is not funny -_-) behold, *paper*!! Okay so I work in a library, my first Saturday job as a teenager was in a library, I was a senior bookseller in a bookshop for a few years, I might as well get a *tattoo* of 'I heart books' and I find the idea of this just lovely in every respect: you can now own AtOG in paperback! FOR CHARITY! And *not* bork your eyes reading the fucking endlessly long thing on a computer screen anymore! Also there are loads of other fanfics on there (The Muse is *fucking* good, all props to Cimmerians for that) so you can basically go on a mad smut-buying spree FOR CHARITY. Which I reckon is about the best idea ever <3
[I literally just went on the website, forgive me I'm crap, holy shit there's all sorts on there! I ACTUALLY FORGOT I told them they could take Fix as well, and it looks like there's plans for Unscripted too? I literally have no idea how long that 'verse is and whether it'd *fit* in a book. So, uh, yeah, fic! All The Fic by All The Writers! Go nuts, it's for a good cause! <3]

4. Is a gloomy one, sorry guys, writing did not happen this week. Unless I get the time for a *mad* writing sesh this Sunday, no update this weekend =/ I usually do try to time them around the weekends because it's the only 'free' time *I* get (read: I *should* be writing my thesis) but instead it's liable to be a ninja update at some random point next week. Something to look forward to? ^^; (It would be a lot easier to write boys in capes if boys in nineteenth century British naval uniforms hadn't taken over my brain, WHY, fucksake I have the weirdest and most specific kinks on the planet . . .) Sorry about that, I drop a cliffhanger-bomb then I'm hopeless, oops? <3

superhero au, unscripted, fix

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