
Aug 06, 2012 20:48

Delightful admin! Hello, my dissertation has eaten my life. Puppyverse will hopefully be completed . . . soonish, depending on, things. But my summer has involved a *lot* less free time than I would have thought or liked, and, well, when it comes to my MA or my fanfic I kind of have to make a decision there ^^;

Luckily other people are much more awesome than me <3 Superhero!AU has hit tumblr! ^^ Which pleases me ridiculously on many levels of meta. oncherrylane over on tumblr made fanart! and, as we all know, I am not on tumblr and am useless for contacting them to say thank you. But if you see this, thank you, eeee <3 And thank you also to flosspyromaniac without whom I would literally never have known that existed. Thank you, honey =)

Meanwhile yourebrilliant has been flying the flag for fanfic with a Ghost/Puckzilla short which made me so happy I can't even. This is *exactly* the kind of stuff that verse is built on. Endless, endless *yes*, thank you honey ^^

(I also discovered through all this that there is a rainjoy on tumblr! Who is not me. Not that mermaids aren't awesome and everything, but I guess even if I came to tumblr now I'd be incognito ;) )

Meanwhile *again*, meggie87 has taken the trouble of gathering all of Fix and its fanart into one handy PDF. Guys, I have a picture book ^^ It made me ridick happy, thank you honey =) So much awesome all at once <3

So! I am going to go have a migraine that's been building for three days (with a job interview tomorrow, hahahahaahahahthankslife), hope everyone else is well =) And hopefully I will soon be halfway on top of work and able to devote more time to the stuff we all know is *really* important, like boys in tights and capes. Until then, take care <3

superhero au, glee!, fix, fanart

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