Weekend internet admin of the OMFG kind

Jul 15, 2012 12:56


No seriously, theplaylistismagic on tumblr made pretty pretty *pretty* fanart for my mageverse, and they are SO CUTE oh my god I cannot even cope. Look at them. *Look* at them. Oh my god they are so cute I cannot even ;_;

Thank you SO MUCH. We may have some internet communication issues because I am an internet dinosaur (no tumblr!) so if anyone knows the artist in question, please say EPIC THANK YOU OH MY GOD from me? ^^ Thank you <3

As for the fic situation, because I think we've now hit two weeks without me posting anything, sorry! I will, soon, I hope. I'm facedown in my dissertation right now and it's wonderful, but very hard work, and every moment of spare time I get I'm spending *writing* rather than like, formatting and posting. And some of it with my friends because it's summer and I do have some semblance of a life ^^; But yeah, I have written a shitlot and I know I have to get around to sharing it at some point, I will try. The wing!fic has turned out a bit too personal right now so I might want some distance before that gets posted. The superhero!fic is turning out ridick fun and I have *no* idea how long it's going to be (long). The puppverse document is now over 80 pages of size 10 font, so, oh my god. Also oh my god I know I haven't replied to a bunch of comments I'm sorry I will try to get back to you. So much 'omg' this post!

Right, coffee and an article on everyday aesthetic experience, and then if I'm good maybe some more writing (eeee). Hope everyone is well? Have a lovely Sunday, guys, chill and be well <3

glee!, kurt/blaine, mageverse, fanart

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