I wrote a fifteen minute scribble as an apology for more comments I'm replying to a week late? And then my internet connection died a death again. lol so not funny. Battling on through the crappy connection!
Playing For Keeps, a quick Glee!fic from the apparently-I'm-obsessed-with-it-now
Unscripted universe in which Kurt and Blaine rock New York and the commitment thing. Futurefic always eats my brain ;_;
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone who speaks in this. Praise other people for any awesome they may express.
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: . . . Blaine never grew out of talking without thinking it quite through?
Summary: "Do you think we should write up a pre-nup?"
Notes: My life, you want to know how exciting my life is? I just found out that Radio Four are doing an eight hour adaptation of Life And Fate and whooped and punched the air in the kitchen. And went into unending capslock in an email because I found out they're making a film of Cloud Atlas. HOW. HOW. HOW EVEN. I CANNOT CONCEIVE. But I admire their balls for trying! /book geekery, replying to comments now promise <3
It is a sad fact of life that one can either play the accordion well, or else one cannot play the accordion. Blaine, who picks up instruments mostly by screwing around with them, is still in the 'cannot' stage, wheezing and wailing the thing on the sofa in the lounge while Kurt, wearing earplugs, waters the herbs on the windowsill and wonders when their downstairs neighbour will snap and break into their apartment in the night and murder them in their sleep. Soon, he thinks gloomily, breaking a dead leaf from the parsley. Soon. He hopes he at least holds out until after the wedding.
The howling has stopped. He glances around at Blaine, pops loose an earplug, and Blaine folds the instrument up, puts it on the floor next to his feet, is wearing his worried/thoughtful face. Kurt pulls loose the other earplug, and puts them into the little box on the windowsill. "Why the puppy who peed on the floor face, Blaine?"
"I've been thinking. You know, while I was butchering The Mariner's Revenge, I was . . . I was thinking."
"I can tell that you were thinking, because you certainly weren't what anyone would call playing."
Blaine puts his hands together, draws in a little breath, says, "Do you think we should write up a pre-nup?"
Kurt stares at him.
"Um," Blaine says. "Because - I mean, it's not like I am planning on this marriage not working or anything, and I don't think you are either, but it just, you never know what's going to happen, you know? And I might turn out to be an asshole once I'm a husband, I don't want to be! But, it might happen still, and."
Kurt keeps on staring at him. Blaine's shoulders begin to wriggle.
"And I know that normally a pre-nup should protect the partner in the relationship who has more to lose and usually that's the female party because she's much more likely to sacrifice potential earnings and opportunities in supporting the family unit, and I know we don't have a female party and when we get kids it is totally going to be a fifty-fifty thing and we will support each other like an equilateral arch and totally rock the dads thing -"
Kurt allows his eyes to narrow, just a little.
"- but, okay, right now you're supporting both of us so that I can work towards an extremely reliable source of potentially lucrative income so long as I don't get the ass sued off myself while you're working in a really unpredictable business -"
Kurt settles his weight to tilt his hip, and is openly glaring now. Blaine just keeps staring at him and doesn't seem to know how to stop moving his mouth.
"- which doesn't mean that you're not crazy talented and should always get the starring roles but show business is just famously fickle and if everything goes to hell then I'll be a doctor and okay and everything but you might - and I just feel like it's not an entirely fair balance of potential outcome and I do know how deep I've gotten into this hole but I just can't seem to stop talking -"
"You will stop," Kurt says, and Blaine snaps his mouth shut, looking pathetically grateful for it. Kurt breathes, slowly, through his nose, making himself calm. Then he picks up the watering can and walks to the sink. "We're not writing a pre-nup. They are designed to protect the more vulnerable party but we have an equal partnership and we don't need one." He empties the water out, shakes the can, gives it a quick wipe with some kitchen roll. "Also they take all the romance out of a marriage and you asked me to marry you and you do not get to whine off it now." He puts the watering can back under the sink, closes the cupboard. "You are staying with me until you are cold in your grave, Blaine Anderson, one way or another. So you better deal with it and you might as well enjoy it."
"Yes. Yes. Absolutely."
"Now I'm going to storm into the bedroom and be angry for the next five minutes, after which you will come in and look apologetic and we'll have make-up sex."
"Have we had an argument?"
"I don't really know. We should have the make-up sex to be sure. And you will never say the words 'pre-nup' to me again."
"Yes. I promise. Does 'pre-nup' count as more than one word?"
"That," Kurt says, tapping his finger at the air. "That is the way the argument starts. What did you just say?"
Blaine claps a hand over his mouth. "Oh my god. The forbidden word-slash-s."
Kurt snarls, "This better be really good make-up sex.", and slams the bedroom door behind himself.