May 03, 2010 15:42
To not go into too much detail, Evan and I have reconciled. This has put a great strain on my relationship with both my family and close friends. I have relocated, rather immediately, to the Tri-Cities in Washington and now have begun a job hunt in earnest (nothing is as motivating as Not Having Money).
Thank you to everyone who has wished me well over these past few months. I greatly needed support and I am extremely grateful to my flist. You guys rock.
So...anyone have any resume/job hunting tips? Anecdotal tales of woe or joy from your post-graduate days? I feel extremely overwhelmed from the drama of my life right now and my depression and isolation are not conducive to resume writing, I'll tell you that much. Am I the only person who feels awkward trying to sell themselves as something someone should hire? Every time I look at this blasted thing I think to myself, "Well, I certainly could do better than that." SO FRUSTRATING.
I suppose if worse comes to worse I'll rent out the Beastie Cat as a lawnmower and Calvin as a mulcher. What can I say, they love the environment.