I bought FISH. Oh my god, I know I've already bothered about half a million people with this, but I bought FISHIES. Danzig, my gigantic betta fish, needed some friends and a bigger bowl and yadda yadda yadda. So now he has two guppies, two tetras (some kind, I forget, but they're not the small little neons or anything) and a little frog we named Frankito. 'Cause there's our fave drummer and then there's TINY and that would be my froggeh.
Anyway, Danzig is busy reenacting scenes from Jaws or emulating Darth Vader most days, so most of the other fish stay away from him. However, my little dark grey and green guppy insists on "visiting" Danzig and bothering him repeatedly. I named him Corgan, after a bald little piece of shit whose band rocks my fucking socks. The other guppy is a tiny little red thing that sort of shakes and bounces around the tank. Possibly dropped on his head as a small fry? Mildly retarded? Yeah. Named him after good ol' Tim Armstrong.
The other two tetras I named Davey and Iggy Pop. Davey, for Davey Havok, because he's a beautiful shimmering purple and something of a diva, and then the other one is pure white. I was thinking Bowie, thin white duke, yadda yadda, but unfortunately Iggy almost DIED before I got him in the tank and I promised him that if he lived he'd be named after Iggy because IGGY POP NEVER SAYS DIE.
Yeah. Dorky reasons, I know, but my tank is officially the CBGB tank of the house, and it will be open for many years so long as Danzig doesn't kill everything in it.
God, Jazzfest is DONE, and now it's time for MIDTERMS. Sweet fucking Jesus. It's Spring Break soon, so that'll be nice. Lots of time to catch up on my classes.
Speaking of other breaks, I'm planning on heading to Warped in Boise. Not sure how many of you outside of
coffeewordangel live anywhere near there, but hey, I'm a fun and groovy girl and
jaws_of_fenrir and hopefully
there_is_peace will be along for the ride.
The only man worth iconning is Mike Dirnt, because he is gorgeous and lovely and I want to have fifty million of his babies. I know I've already shown most of these off in my own pic, but they're free for the public. They've always kind of been free. I don't know. Take, share, masturbate to, I care not.
Has anyone heard about how censorship is the new
black? Chris Crutcher, my little author crush from my childhood, is going to speak to my class today and I'm going to be all over this scrotum nonsense.