Zweeeeeee...I, Robot. 2 GD CDs, 2 GD posters, good day.

Jun 04, 2005 01:27

Hey kids!! How was your day? Mine was good. Slept. Ran errands. Have I mentioned that I have the most AWESOME co-workers on the planet? Over the past two days my fellow employees have gifted me with a Gir wristband, a Willy Wonka shirt, and not one, but TWO Green Day posters. These gifts came from people who I wasn't really even expecting a card from, let alone actual presents. *hugs them tight* Made my freakin' week, I'll tell you that.

Also, Hastings called to let me know that Insomniac and Warning were in, so I have just redone my CD collection completely, again. I've heard most of Insomniac before (but never owned, am lame/poor/elitist. I have to have the actual CD), but never Warning. I think I have to rethink my entire Green Day train of thought. Billie Joe, I think you just ran off with my heart, and I'm so conflicted on my opinion of this album I can't even begin to put together words.

Oh yes, I mentioned I, Robot in my subject header. Dude, that movie made me cry. How fucked up is that? What is wrong with me? I've cried at two movies in my life now, the other one being The Man in the Iron Mask (this of course, discounting childhood tears, and the fact that when Mufasa died in The Lion King only a NAZI would be dry-eyed). Why do I cry at all the stupid movies, or at least the ones that aren't going for the emotional heartstrings? I mean, I was in tears over a robot. I blame this entirely on the fact that said robot was played by Alan Tudyk, and not my own personal retardedness.

In other news, my legs are very smooth and silky. You may caress them.


Just to keep this inane post going, my stepfather and mother just watched The Day After Tomorrow (i.e., "Jake Gyllenhaal Outruns Temperature, and Is Very Pretty.") My mother did a lot of gasping, but my stepfather only wanted to know which story we should believe, the Ice Age theory of TDAT, or the complete loss of dry land as proposed by the world of Waterworld. I about wet myself laughing. I say Ice Age, because Kevin Costner exists in the Waterworld universe, and that does not bode well for my ideal apocalypse.

Which leads to another question--what's the plural of apocalypse? I mean, do you even need one? The world can only end once. However, what if each planet in our solar system has their own apocalypse. Would you say that their combined apocalypses/apocalypi leads to the implosion of the Milky Way? Go ahead, say "apocalypi," one more time. It gets even more fun the more times you repeat it.

Speaking of The Day After Tomorrow, the most hilarious cleolinda has edited the movie down to 15 minutes. Go, read. You'll die laughing.

green day

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