All my long-overdue pressies from Aussie. Much loves~ (You can see Reiko in the background, heh.)
Tiny giraffe plushie, sitting on a chair for Feor/Deor with my two pocketwatches and mix-and-match asymmetrical earrings!
Pocketwatch love~~~ I've been trying to find antique-esque ones, but Singapore seems to lack ones to my taste. Off to the left is a better view of the earrings and to the right are cute polka-dotted hair ties.
More earrings! I like asymmetrical, dangly ones. 8D And a book, Follow the Rabbit-proof Fence.
Rawr! Toothless here sneaked into my sister's luggage and came to Singapore.
Terrorising my pencil box. ._.;;;
Lovely embroidery and patchwork. 8DDDDDDD
And finally... my Nivens McTwisp (better known as the White Rabbit) teeshirt! <3
Isn't he adorable?
Not shown here are the edibles, which include a huge chocolate Easter bunny I ate immediately and strawberry rock candy. We're watching Alice in Wonderland in Bluray, whee~
Edit: I left out the technical specifications. ^^;;; Taken using a Nikon D2X with 85 f1.4, although I should have used a macro instead, I think. Edited in various styles using PS CS4.