Alk's name might also have been derived from the Alkonost, a lengendary bird in Slavic mythology. It has the body of a bird with the head and chest of a woman. The name Alkonost came from the name of Greek demi-goddess Alcyone transformed by gods into a kingfisher. The Alkonost reproduces by laying eggs on the sea-shore then putting them into the water. The sea is then calm for six or seven days at which point the eggs hatch, bringing a storm. The calm days are therefore known as the halcyon days, seven days before and seven days after the winter solstice.
For the Russian Orthodox Church, the Alkonost personifies God's will. She lives in paradise but goes into our world to deliver a message and bears a voice so sweet that it causes people to lose all memories.
Strangely, the Alkonost is a female bird. I prefer the other derivative though, because it mentions both Alk and Yrie (Ara and Yrik).
My dad offered (by himself!) to buy clothes for her as well~ I don't think he really gets how much they cost.
To Steffi (just in case I forget to tell you): If you're buying from DollHeart you might want to bring additional cash, if I don't remember wrongly most HK stores charge an extra 4% if you pay by credit card. There is also a photograph guide for locating the shopping center DH is in
here. It's on the eight floor. Also, there are many small BJD shops around in Mong Kok, so you can walk around and see. But HK stores generally open in the afternoon.
Edit: I just realized that while I copied all my Japanese songs over to my portable hard drive, I toally missed out on the English and Korean ones. I was searching for my Infinity on High album and couldn't find it. Damn. I'd better go copy it ASAP, the iTunes on my desktop is screwed.