O thank goodness the weekend is over. So busy settling the secret collab photoshoot and submitting entries. =A= Sicurt Mission Partner, please be informed that the confirmation email came through, so we're all set. Next week is going to be hard - a storyboard to draft and a difficult Biology test when we've just barely covered the topics in lectures, let alone even go through the tutorials, on Friday.
Prototype closet rack and acrylic hangers. :D
The peg-type hangers are for Reiko's multitude of dresses. I only found two tiny pegs though, so the rest behind are normal triangular-shaped hangers.
Size comparison.
My dad rocks. ♥♥♥ His comments on the outfits were lolworthy! He liked the trench coat best, and told me to ask my maid to iron the shirts. Surprisingly he didn't comment on their number or price, so I think he's actually been on to me all this while. D: So glad Yui's stash of clothes is well hidden over with my sister.
And I just picked up the Volks carrier from
jo_sen7. Thank you so much! ♥