Is it bad that I have a major buttkicking Chemistry test on Thursday but all I don't want to study at all? D: I just want to take photos for the competitions I want to enter, edit said photos and watch Glee / Vampire Diaries some more... I'm super excited over photography because I want to test out the new tilt shift lens that has been lounging around the dry cabinet since what, last November? We even brought it to Europe but it was way too cold to bother about taking photos, let alone changing lens. I want to try miniature faking of random objects and also lens flare with it, because I've heard you can get a rainbow when the sun flares properly and rainbows are so rare in Singapore I get excited whenever I see one. And then I'm super excited about this Wednesday's (curse you, timezones) episode of Glee because it's 90 minutes long and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Klaine~ ♥ Plus I want to borrow my friend's copy of Vampire Diaries, not that I'll have the time to watch it...
...Which is bad, because by 'buttkicking' I mean that the test will kick my butt, and not the other way 'round. Pfffft.
I feel lame and dorky getting excited over random crap like this.
Oh and I passed my Physical Fitness Test today so hell yeah last 2.4km run of my life ever. :D
Random old photo of Yui because my sister sent me more Yui-pics today but they're for TDA and I can't post them up. She has like autumn scenes over in Australia. D: Soooooo jealous. Also exercising the overuse of Photoshop because I get frustrated when I want to add stuff like textures on competition entries and then remember that overediting is a no-no. Also it's nice and cool over there while it's like burning up in (overly) sunny Singapore - actually it should be nice almost everywhere (Europe and USA are in spring and Aussie is in autumn) but here it's so hot one can pespire just sitting in front of the computer... which is so totally what I'm doing now.
Go away, sun. >: