Jan 22, 2009 13:54

I should really be studying for my final (laughs).

This is Tiffany, who was gaming and eating
EVERY BURGER this morning before class.
My mind is still fighting with Sephiroth
while my hands are fighting with math.

Sephiroth is not math, though.
My brother calls me Sephiroth...
My friends call me Vincent...
A friend calls me Tifa. Now he calls me
Princess Euphemia, too...
Mah, whatever~

Today's finals were graphic design and sixth period.
I don't have a sixth class, so I got out early.
From 8:00 to 10:08, I was in graphics.
Then I walked home. Nice feeling.

It's a pleasant day―cloudy and chill with
a bit of rain.

I like it.

Not only the weather is nice, but I also
had pretty much nothing to carry.
Originally I was planning to spend class time
finishing up my mini comic I started last
night, but apparently the video I watched
in class took up most of the period.
The "final" took up the rest. (・Θ・;)

I went to Game Stop so I could let them
check on my DS. Apparently they can't fix it
and they don't fix these things, but the guy
tried his best to help me anyways. One of them.
The other one from the other Game Stop [near Macy's]
turned me down before I finished my question!
Well, the good guy told me to tell Nintendo, and if they
don't fix it [my DS is from Taiwan], I should talk
to their manager. If same, talk to their manager, etc.

Should be fine. I just hope I will get this done by

Oh, I was working on a "job" portfolio for fashion...
and one of the requirements was to do a job application
and research a company I would work for.
I found out that SQUARE ENIX is building a studio
in LA and they are looking for a concept artist!
I hate painting [watercolous, specifically], but I
would totally sign up for that if I were old enough!

Apparently SQUARE ENIX in Tokyo is hiring for a CG
motion artist or something.
I have a feeling they're making another movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope they are! I have been wishing for that!

I WILL! WILL, but not too much dedication to be fully absorbed.

Hey, I want to draw, too! I studied yesterday as well!

Rosario is looking at the moon and stars~
and then Rylan walks up and scares the soul out of her!
What will Seymour do....hmmm...Cecil?

Or something like that.♥


Oh, I got myself a free armani code shower gel and an
Estee Lauder skin care thing!
Macy's and Nordstrom were passing free cosmetics
for free!
Apparently some companies were being sued and
they had to give out some stuff out for free.
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