Speaking Of....

Dec 11, 2007 11:41


Word of the year right there!

but im probably not the only one Bwhaha.

Ok big Post time! :: Browses through Music ::

If you haven't Heard the New gorillaz CD, you should listen to it. D-SIDES.

Some People don't like it, Mainly the MAIN people I hang out with dont. Grrr....

I wont get into the Problems that Im having with my friends. its to troublesome to even talk about.

Well its been awhile since ive even wrote anything worth while. But ive come to the Point where this really is my Escape point when i need to talk. So here I go. Ive got a couple things on my mind where should I start First.... Hrmmmm....

1. Dads New Girlfriend

Yes you heard Right People ( Speaking of people thats the gorillaz song thats on right now )
Dad has a new girlfriend ALREADY. Its Been 7 Months since Mom passed away and it just seems to fast for me for this to Happen. I know people have to carry on with their life's but it all comes down to this. the month that Mom passed away she was Pretty Fed up with my Father and was thinking about Divorce, she actually was Considering it. she felt that she didn't care anything about her. I thought you know this kinda stuff happens and believe me I was on her side completely but i just thought, you know dad cant be all that bad ( he usually is most of time with me and her ). well its now 7 months down the road and it feels like hes already forgotten about her.
<<<<<<<<<< REWIND

about a couple weeks ago my dad Dumped my Moms ashes into the Sea. I wanted to have nothing to do with this at all. I hated the idea of " Throwing her Away " into the Sea ( Mind you I Hardly ever go to the ocean in the first place ). It just came down to the Point where i didnt want anything to do with it. I also wanted nothing to do with Cremation but yet once again things Didn't go well on that either.... it all comes down to wanting to just have her Here.

FORWARD >>>>>>>>>>

- Music - Gorrillaz - Hong Kong - AKA Fucking Beautiful Song

Yeah but back to the new Girlfriend Thing. She isn't Bad I met her this weekend but its Weird... It just is... Id be a little more fine with it if ya know it was a year or two down the road... Bleh but like i said its not my Choice really. /sigh. Shes really nothing like what I exspected, probably the worst thing about her is she listens to Country.... God I hate it sooooo MUCH.... But like I said she ISN'T that bad im just not ready for this right now. Me and my dad had the talk about it aswell before she came over and spent the intire weekend here. Yes you heard me INTIRE WEEKEND!!!! she even slept in the same room where THEY used to sleep together.... THAT IS WEIRD?!?!?! BLAHEHADLKAHDALKHKAHL. thats probably what got me the most Freaked out was that.... God x_x

Enough about her though shes a Problem and Hopefully I can fix it or just fix the Situation.

( How does everyone feel on that " kind " of Situation?? )

2. Moving

I got an Offer from Jessica Nova to Move in with her to Orlando. Id like too.... But seriously I dont know if Im ready... =/

I don't know what would happen here if I Moved out, I dont know how my dad would react, I don't know how things would turn out if I did It. Would shit turn to EPIC FAIL? or would things get better? you have no idea how much I would love to get out of this HELL hole of a Town.

- Music - Gorillaz - Highway (under Construction) :: plays the Piano Blindly like Ray Charles ::

3. Friends ( Im so GOING there )

I feel like the friends that I have arent really friends, that im only there for something to use. I feel like they never understand me. Im talking about PSL Friends Majorly the ones that I Constantly hang out with every day. They also NEVER call me anymore when i TELL them to call me. Kinda Depressing.

Weird thing is though im Extremely getting along With Spencer Now. Its Badass!

I don't know anymore its just so Hard to get along with them anymore, its also another reason Why I want to Move and for the people that are reading this that I normally don't hang out with, Im so not talking about you guys.

but whatever knowing my Luck this will get out somehow and Ill regret typing it for the rest of my life.


To many days to get Lost....
Many many people Ive Known, got Lostttt....

- Music - Gorillaz - Bill Murray ( I know Badass Name for a song Right? )

4. Christmas

I Seriously Dislike my Family for having the Dumbest Christmas ideas ever. Like Whoa. for the people that don't know my family is pretty big into the Whole Christian Religion, Im totally not. Id rather just live my life knowing that i have a Family that cares about me and that I care about them.

My Christmas for the past 3 years has been so FUCKED. First year - No presents, just stockings. (I didn't have a Problem with this one ) Second year - No Presents, No stockings, Only 25$ gift cards that you had to play some Secret Santa BS with and to TRY and make it Exciting! OMG! you can STEAL/TRADE peoples Christmas Gift cards away if you want that ONE! OMG FUN RIGHT? FUCK NO. This Year - No Presents, No Stockings, No Dumb ass Gift card Idea, Donations. WTF.

This comes from my Aunt that lives in PSL. she Says " I think we are all grown up enough now that we dont have to spend money to get people Presents, Just being together is what Matters! "...... I see where shes coming from but what the hell did you raise me on for the past 18 Years?

this is her idea and has been her Idea for the past three years with these WEIRD Ideas. Now this year Ill Explain. We are donating 25$ to some Kind of Organization that helps African Kids or something ( I wasnt really Paying attention, all i really heard is that the money would go to something that we could Choose and out of the corner of my Ear I believe I heard a " Goat ". LOL ). But yeah I hate this Like.... this isn't Christmas, this isn't what I was raised on to believe that Christmas was a Gathering Of people that you loved and cared about and gather all at one house to open presents that YOU took you time to get because you thought they would like it, it doesn't matter how much it cost. we are even gathering at my grandmas house in ocala to basically just go go see each other for like less than a Day and do nothing it looks like. Now im going to go a LITTLE further with this. You people out there Know that im a Gamer, ive had a Controller in my hand from the age of three. Ive always asked for something Exspensive and that thing usually was a game system or game that came out every Year. Well i believe the aftermath of this is all because of me. I think this whole changing of Christmas thing is Because of me. I would be the one to get the most Exspensive Gift and it would of course be from my Aunt Nancy in Miami. She would always ask me what I would want for X-Mas. I wouldn't even care if i got some Crap Gift from someone this year, its just the FACT that im getting something from Someone is what Counts.

This will all Lead to when I have Amazing kids and have a beautiful Wife I wont be apart of this anymore. Ill Give my Kids what they want for Christmas.

"Charity Starts at Home." - Evelyn


Now I know this all sounds a Little weird, or it might sound Selfish. But this is what I believe in or what I care about or what I think is Right.

You people know me and im not the type of person to take myself First. I take care of people all the time and thats why People Like me. I like Being their for People all the time it makes me feel like im Useful in someway. I just like it. thats they way my Mom raised me. but after seeing a Extremely good Friend of Mine CJ he put my head back on straight. He told me that sometimes you have to be a Little Selfish to get somewhere in the world. So im taking my life into my Hands First and getting what I need Done with the Side Enjoyments First. I think Moving would be the right think for me, I really Do.

I still Love all of you no matter what you do to me.

I may not talk to you for awhile but I can never Hate you forever.

Good Example Mandy-Moo. Shes now a Good Friend of Mine when back in the day we had our Confrontations. <3

Its just come down to this, I want to make myself a better person and after this post is when it will happen.

Sorry everyone for such a Long post But you don't see these on LJ a lot now do ya? =P

oh and for the people that actually do Read this <3 Thanks! Much Love.

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