(no subject)

Mar 02, 2005 19:24

So yeah I got a new car! FINALLY! ive been without one for about 2 months, ever since my wreck in december. This time around I really like my car and its not just something im stuck with so i think i will take better care of it and be more aware of my surroundings so i wont have any wrecks and such.

Just something ive been thinking about:

I love all of my friends sooo much and I don't know what I would do without any of them. We all have our faults and that's a part of life I know. I know I am guilty of it but i just hate when people dont tell the WHOLE truth. like if u ask someone what theyre doing or where theyre going or something and they tell u one thing but they really arent doing that and they dont want to tell you because they dont want to piss you off. i know it may sound immature but people do that. if i ask this person one thing she'll flat out lie to me and be like no im not , just cuz she thinks ill get mad that shes hanging out with that person or something and i love her so much and i dont want her to do that anymore. its like she favors someone else and i know we're all closer to some friends than others but it just bothers me how some leave others out. like i said i know im guilty of it too, trust me. people just grow up and own your actions instead of trying to get around the truth.

On a lighter note...my birthdays in 6 days and spring break is in 13!!! yay!
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