It's that time again

Aug 09, 2009 22:11

My oldest starts high school this Wednesday. I'm handling it pretty well while still insisting I am NOT old enough to have a child entering high school.

Friday we went to the high school to get his electives lined out. He claimed he could pick them himself, but I really didn't trust him to avoid something completely stooopid. His mandatory classes this year are English I, Algebra I, Physical Science, and US History/Government. His electives are Current Events, Computer Tech, and Creative Writing.

I'm happy with all of his electives this year. The Current Events class will be really good for him. He spends so much time with his nose either in a book or glued to the Nintendo DS that he has very little idea what's happening in the world. LOL That should all change this year. The Computer Tech class will cover Word, Excel, PowerPoint and the like - always good to know. He's most looking forward to the Creative Writing class. At this point in time, he says he wants to be a writer "when he grows up", so this will be a good intro course for him to take.

Personally, I'm glad the school is now letting freshmen take Algebra I. When I went to the same high school, Algebra I wasn't offered until sophomore year. Being a math nerd, I'm happy to see the school has progressed at least that much. *sigh* Saddly, Older Son is looking forward to his class least of all. He's got a math phobia and I can already see many hours spent helping him with his homework. I'm suddenly very glad of the hours and hours I've spent over the years tutoring the subject. Should prove interesting.

Younger Son starts fifth grade this year. He's looking forward to being in middle school and not being considered one of the "little kids" anymore. The first quarter of the year may be somewhat rough. His teacher will be out during this time as she has breast cancer and will be undergoing a double mastectomy very soon. She should be returning around midway through the semester, though, if all goes well.

Picked up some of their school supplies Friday. Got Older Son a combination lock for his locker. LOL He can't seem to work the damn thing.  I've told him there's no way he's taking the thing to school unless he can prove that he can work it. He's determined to figure it out and promises to work on it every day until he does. It's like he's trying to figure out the secret of the universe or something.

The remainder of the school supplies will be bought tomorrow after I get off work. Mom's going with us. *groan* Shopping with Mom *and* the boys is always an exhausting experience.

school, younger son, older son, family

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