
Jan 08, 2012 22:55

I haven't been updating my journal because... oh well. I haven't been doing much anyway this holiday (or rather, I'm still having my holiday lol).

Now I'm waiting to start work! My percussion tutor actually employed me to be his kind-of-like personal assistant for 6-7 months while I'm waiting to collect my results and waiting for University to start. I'm required to follow him to schools and know his everyday schedule and the back of my hand, write down minutes of his lessons (like what he worked on and what needs to be worked on, specifically into the details), remind him which schools he should be going to.

Basically, it just sounds like what a stalker would do. Eww. (LOL) But then again he's paying me well, $9 per hour with a stipend of $150 every month. And considering that I most probably work for less than 6 hours per day, the salary I'm receiving is pretty decent. Not to forget that I get free Percussion lessons everytime I accompany him to a school. Oh, and free meals and transport too. I feel so blessed right now. /crying and shaking

Other than that, on occasions where I'm supposed to be involved in another project outside my required job scopes (i.e writing minutes for schools and other admin work), he pays me separately. For example, this coming Saturday I'm having a performance with him and 2 other students, so I get paid for that performance separately. Although the pay is rather attractive per gig, but seriously I'm going to find it stressful if he's going to give me such short notice everytime ;A;

Yes all I did was talk about my job, but hey I have nothing else to say now so yup. He told me I can most probably start work on either Tuesday or Wednesday so I'm looking forward to it... and then again I'm nervous O:

By the way, didn't I mention I hate kids? Well now karma has gotten me, my first confirmed assignment is to write minutes for a primary school. I seriously have no idea how am I supposed to deal with kids. ._.


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