Nov 08, 2006 12:22
so now we're a smoke free ohio? guess what-people are still gonna die-people will still get lung cancer and bronchitis-i am not a smoker but i really hope all the smokers out there dont comply
minimum wage is now $6.85-thats not even enough to live on still so whats the point? teenagers dont need $6.85 an hour and if you're an adult working for minimum wage you're a moron
i get to pay more fucking taxes for a school levy that passed which will do nothing to help the children but will line the pockets of those who run it yet they shot down allowing slot machines to help out children with college
maybe instead of worrying what smokers do on private property or in their cars and what teenagers make at minimum wage we should realize that schools fucking suck
oh wait-god whats wrong with me-my priorities must be fucked up