first off, this is an awesome video, just click on the little play button and watch it, its really cute.
its called Nice weather for Ducks and its by Lemonjelly, a very odd band. but its got a very eclectic flavor to it.
Click to view
it is a bit out of sync, the sound and the video arent meshed up but because of the type of song, ya cant really tell..
also, I am now smoke free, I did it, I quit cold turkey, got through the week of checmical withdrawl, and now iots just the cravings which are pretty weak.
wow its windy outside.
I'm still stuck with a broken cougar, but looking at a major bank exec position with Calfirst National. I would be a Loan exec for small businesses, and its a pretty major bank out here. they start out at a salaried 35k a year plus benefits which brings it closer to 41k a year. much more stabil than car sales. So I've been looking around to see what could be new in my future and I have decided that I am going to buy a mercedes Smart For-Two... its a nifty little 2 seater, economy car *look it up on the net* it gets about 45 mpg, tops out at about 90mph and its cute and its only 12k new.
aside from that, not much new but will get back to updating again.
love ya all\
happy holidays