Британская Национальная галерея (National Gallery, London). Вечное...

Aug 01, 2017 23:00

Бывал. Рекомендую.
Оригинал взят у coldsteelknife в Британская Национальная галерея (National Gallery, London). Христианские работы.

Британская Национальная галерея - музей в Лондоне, содержащий более 2000 образцов западноевропейской живописи XIII - начала XX века, другими словами - каталог шедевров изобразительного искусства от Джотто до Пикассо. Картины в галерее экспонируются в хронологическом порядке.

Лондонская галерея - музей посещение которого можно сравнить с прохождением курса истории искусства. Здесь вы сможете увидеть лучших художников мира, представленных лучшими своими работами.

Full title: The Coronation of the Virgin
Artist: Bernardo Daddi
Date made: about 1340

Full title: Saint Bernard's Vision of the Virgin
Artist: Fra Filippo Lippi
Date made: 1447

Full title: Seven Saints
Artist: Fra Filippo Lippi
Date made: about 1450-3

Full title: The Annunciation
Artist: Fra Filippo Lippi
Date made: about 1450-3

Full title: Altarpiece: The Virgin and Child with Saints
Artist: Benvenuto di Giovanni
Date made: 1479

Full title: An Angel in Red with a Lute
Artist: Associate of Leonardo da Vinci
Date made: probably about 1490-9

Full title: An Angel in Green with a Vielle
Artist: Associate of Leonardo da Vinci
Date made: about 1506

Full title: The Virgin and Child
Artist: Follower of Sandro Botticelli
Date made: probably about 1485-1500

Full title: The Madonna and Child with Saint John
Artist: Attributed to Fra Bartolommeo
Date made: perhaps about 1516

Full title: Christ
Artist: After Bernardino Luini
Date made: probably after 1530

Full title: Saint Catherine
Artist: After Bernardino Luini
Date made: early 16th century

Full title: A Female Saint
Artist: After Dosso Dossi
Date made: after 1600

Full title: Saint Peter
Artist: After El Greco
Date made: perhaps early 17th century

Full title: The Virgin and Child with Saint Paul and Saint Francis
Artist: After Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano
Date made: perhaps about 1508-30

Full title: The Madonna and Child
Artist: After Raphael
Date made: probably before 1600

Full title: Head of Christ Crowned with Thorns
Artist: After Guido Reni
Date made: 1640-1749

Full title: Saint Paul seated reading
Artist: After Jacob de Gheyn III
Date made: about 1620

Full title: The Madonna and Child with Saints
Artist: Andrea and Raffaello del Brescianino
Date made: 1506-45

Full title: The Virgin and Child
Artist: Attributed to Andrea di Aloigi
Date made: probably about 1490-1500

Full title: The Dead Christ Mourned ('The Three Maries')
Artist: Annibale Carracci
Date made: about 1604

Full title: The Magdalen
Artist: Attributed to Correggio
Date made: perhaps about 1518-19

Full title: Christ on the Cross
Artist: Eugène Delacroix
Date made: 1853

Full title: Panels from an Altarpiece: The Annunciation
Artist: Gaudenzio Ferrari
Date made: before 1511

Full title: The Annunciation: The Angel GabrielEdgar Degas,
Artist: Gaudenzio Ferrari
Date made: before 1511

Full title: The Annunciation: The Virgin Mary
Artist: Gaudenzio Ferrari
Date made: before 1511

Full title: Lamentation
Artist: Gerard David
Date made: 1515-23

Full title: Christ before the High Priest
Artist: Gerrit van Honthorst
Date made: about 1617

Full title: Saint Sebastian
Artist: Gerrit van Honthorst
Date made: about 1623

Full title: Christ Crowned with Thorns
Artist: Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano
Date made: about 1510

Full title: Mary Magdalene
Artist: Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo
Date made: about 1535-40

Full title: The Coronation of the Virgin, and Other Scenes
Artist: Giusto de' Menabuoi
Date made: 1367

Full title: Lot and his Daughters leaving Sodom
Artist: Guido Reni
Date made: about 1615-16

Full title: Saint Mary Magdalene
Artist: Guido Reni
Date made: about 1634-5

Full title: Susannah and the Elders
Artist: Guido Reni
Date made: 1620-5

Full title: The Adoration of the Shepherds
Artist: Guido Reni
Date made: about 1640

Full title: The Interior of a Gothic Church looking East
Artist: Hendrick van Steenwyck the Younger and Jan Brueghel the Elder
Date made: 1615

Full title: The Dead Christ supported by Angels
Artist: Italian
Date made: late 16th centur

Full title: The Holy Family
Artist: Italian
Date made: 16th century

Full title: The Holy Family
Artist: Italian
Date made: 16th century

Full title: Head of a Male Saint
Artist: Italian, Florentine
Date made: after 1365

Full title: The Holy Family with Angels
Artist: Italian, Florentine
Date made: probably 1475-1500

Full title: The Virgin and Child with Saints
Artist: Italian, Florentine
Date made: probably 1450-1500

Full title: Christ washing the Feet of the Disciples
Artist: Jacopo Tintoretto
Date made: about 1575-80

Full title: The Dead Christ with the Virgin and Saints
Artist: Marco Palmezzano
Date made: 1506

Full title: Triptych: Scenes from the Passion of Christ
Artist: Master of Delft
Date made: about 1510

Full title: Christ blessing Saint John the Baptist
Artist: Moretto da Brescia
Date made: about 1520-3

Full title: Christ blessing the Children
Artist: Nicolaes Maes
Date made: 1652-3

Full title: The Conversion of Mary Magdalene
Artist: Pedro Campaña (after Federico Zuccaro)
Date made: about 1562

Full title: The Coup de Lance
Artist: Peter Paul Rubens
Date made: before 1620

Full title: The Miraculous Draught of Fishes
Artist: Peter Paul Rubens
Date made: 1618-19

Full title: The Dream of Saint Joseph
Artist: Philippe de Champaigne
Date made: 1642-3

Full title: Three Panels from an Altarpiece, Certosa
Artist: Pietro Perugino
Date made: about 1496-1500

Full title: Diptych: Christ and the Virgin
Artist: Quinten Massys
Date made: probably about 1500-50

Британская Национальная галерея (National Gallery, London) Часть 1
Британская Национальная галерея (National Gallery, London) Часть 2
Британская Национальная галерея (National Gallery, London) Часть 3

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христианство, рекомендую, Европа, классика, искусство, Англия

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