Title: Christmas as I Know It
Prompt: Candy Cane
Characters/Pairings: Oliver Queen, Clark Kent, Lex Luthor
Rating: PG
Words: 756
Warning: slash
Summary: It's not the whole story. There's a lot more to it than what I've told you, but it isn't the happiest story, either. So how 'bout we save it for later? It's Christmas after all.
A/N: I FAIL AT LIFE!!! This would have been posted earlier but I went out for my birthday and had a couple of shots. Happy 20th to me!! Here it is anyway. Please read the note at the end.
I have known Clark Kent for 9 years, one of which I spent entirely exasperated with him, two of which I spent exasperated and friendly, three I spent exasperated, friendly and enamoured and the last six, I’ve spent madly in love, married and often times exasperated.
Of the 9 years I have been involved in the life of the marvellous Mr. Kent and of all the Christmases those years have had, I have only spent the 6 of these Christmases with him and only 4 of those as a simple family gathering. Even then, we’ve only had a real Christmas as in decorating, cooking, and being together, twice. And this year, this Christmas is one of the two, the other being our second Christmas together which occurred during our second year as a couple. It was before way before we got married and Kon was born, but it was around the time that - well let’s not get into that.
What I remember about that Christmas was Candy Canes, scotch and no Clark.
I don’t remember what exactly we argued about, but I know that it had to do with Lex Luthor. Clark had been hanging Candy canes on out Christmas tree. He had been mildly upset before then because the tree wasn’t real and he had a little fit because I passed him an air freshener and told him to pretend. So, Clark was decorating without me and I was drinking because Clark was decorating without me and not speaking to me.
Clark had been looking in my direction from time to time letting me know that he was going to forgive me when he got a notification on his laptop of an email and at that same time, he ran out of Candy Canes for our tree. He went to go get another box and told me to read out the email for him, saying he was expecting something from his mom or Chloe.
All I can say in my defence is that my judgement was impaired and that I took what Clark said to heart and expected an email from either his mother or Chloe. I read the greeting and felt like something was wrong, but let it slide because people don’t always use the same greeting, but as I read more, I got more and more upset. There was talk of a tradition and joy at the continuation of said tradition and something about a rendezvous. At that point I didn’t really care about the rest; I just wanted to know who it was from. When I came to the words, “I love you, too,” I was pissed. However, when I saw that the email was from Lex, I was livid.
Clark walked back into the room after hearing me slam his laptop shut. I don’t remember getting up or even walking toward him, but it seemed like I blinked and suddenly I was in front of him. He asked is something was wrong and the next thing I remember was Candy Canes falling all around me.
We were shouting and Clark was pleading and then Clark was so angry I thought he was going to burst into flames and then I was pleading, but Clark was gone. And then it really is a blur because I broke into my liquor cabinet with a vengeance and blacked out after apparently cleaning off about 3 bottles: one of scotch, one of vodka and one of tequila.
I woke up the next day to a call from the one person I didn’t want to hear from. I had wanted to hang up on him, but one does not hang up on a Luthor, or so I’m told. The only reason I kept talking to him was mostly because Clark was thee with him and I wanted a chance to talk to him and at least apologize. It was hell. I knew Clark was there and Lex knew what happened and he was trying to mediate and it wasn’t working because I was pissed about whatever they had and it’s just a really long story.
I would tell you exactly how we finally made up and ended up with what we have today and with all of you here, Mercy, but it’s not exactly the best story for the holiday season. Call me up after New Year’s, get me drunk and maybe then I’ll tell you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go help my husband and son hang Candy Canes on our tree. Cheers.
A/N: Okay, so this is actually part of a series I'm going to post sooner or later. Preferably sooner. The timeline will be explained and everything. It's also connected with my previous story. Sorry for any crappiness. But, Like Ollie said, get him drunk and he'll tell. I promise I'll get it up sometime next week. Ciao!