Two weeks into Project: Rehydrate Me. Not having to use the loo every ten minutes anymore, which is good.
Five days into reduced dosage #2 (and 12 days since reduction #1). Kick was still pretty high in the days immediately after the change, with accompanying anxiety, until... well, see below.
Three days without significant caffeine. Cut out the Pepsi entirely, so that my only caffeine intake was via small amounts of milk chocolate - a reduction from 150 mg/day to about, oh, ten or less. On the first day, I had the expected headache, but the anxiety kick was so much smaller that I wondered briefly if I'd forgotten to take my med. This was cause for great hope.
However, into the third day, I'm finding myself ridiculously tired. Sleep has been deeper (if still interrupted by moments of heat and cold because of the constant fight between blankets, heaters and inherent chill in our extremely un-insulated house), but energy? That's something that happens to other people.
This still feels like progress, because the exhaustion seems to be due to a greater sense of relaxation. It appears that some of these muscles, now that they're finally unclenching, are giving me hell for what I've been putting them through. I tried to exercise on the Wii today, and homg, it did not go well when I tried to do a yoga pose that involved stretching my legs and back. Ow ow ow.
Tomorrow I go back to work, for a pre-scheduled week of five-hour days. I am hoping for a steady improvement as the combined detox continues and I manage to get more and better sleep.
The troubling part, though, is the feeling of exhaustion, because being this tired leads to clumsiness and general muzzy-headedness that have often been anxiety triggers in the past. So I'm certainly not settled in the head yet, much less the body.
Better times ahead. Must remember that.