my anti-WAR rant.

Apr 03, 2003 18:23

there are so many fucking reasons why i'm anti war, and i'm sure you're aware that ben vess is mentally warped for being a pro war vigilante. through sheer persuasion i have converted most of the ignorant acolytes here to my way of thinking, but he remailns valiantly stodgy and convinced if the value of his ridiculousness. i mean, there are human rights violations all over the world. other countries besides iraq are building weapons of mass destruction. teh united states ALONE as 30k nuclear bombs. what the fuck are we so worried about? not only that, not of fthe fucking world is against this goddamn war and hello, maybe they're anti war for a REASON?! in adddition (oh boy), the US is a CHARTER memmber of the UN for crissakes, and now they're starting a war that the UN is against, and they're defying the un. what kind of message does that send to the rest of the world? this may mean that the UN will lose power and control, and that war might start breaking out all over the fucking world without any regulation or prevention. plus, come on, you really think the people in iraq want war? are you on crack?!! they're fuckin sufferin under this insane dictator for YEARS, and now they want to be bombed upon on top of everyithing else? yeah! bring it on! NOT FUCKING LIKELY. now, you want to know the REAL reason we're having war? surprise surprise? OIL.

i just'll stop before i really get started and end with this apt quote: WAR for PEACE is like FUCKING for VIRGINITY.

think 'bout that.
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