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in other news... i have to read the last 200 pages in my book and then start my book report its due monday. yay. why do i procrastinate so much?! Today was the choir retreat. it was fun, i guess. better than reading a book and writing a book report at least. teehee. last years was better, except for this year we did this thing called a choral exchange where each choir sang one of our songs for the other choirs. that was a lot of fun. A Cappela was SO good. they said they messed up a lot but i dont think anyone noticed. on the other hand.. womans ensamble was horrid. the soloist was good and they started out good but towards the end they hit some really bad bad notes. oh well.. we sound like that too on one of our songs. i wish mr devalk would use the piano when we sing so we could hear our notes. but he doesnt.. so most of the 2nds dont know their notes because its really hard to find the middle note. mr devalk often plays teh altos notes.. and the sopranos are bad.. they NEVER cut off!!! and some of them are singing sharp. aw well.. at least they sing. most of us seconds dont because we dont know what to sing..:/ tartarrrrr.