Last-minute Christmas Shopping

Dec 24, 2008 20:19

URGH! It happened again this year. I swore since last year's last minute dash for wrapping paper, gift bags, colored tissue and bows that I would never ever again run out on Christmas Eve to go shopping.

But guess what? It happened.

And it wasn't even my fault this time. And it wasn't gift related either.

So there we were, all the women and girls going over the Christmas food. You know, making sure that everything is perfect. And then, one of my uncles asks about vanilla ice cream for the apple pie. Well, of course it turns out that there wasn't any vanilla ice cream. We had some chocolate ice cream on hand but no vanilla.

The little ones were OK with that fact that there wouldn't be any vanilla ice cream but the grown men! Oh my goodness! You would have thought they were little kids being told that there was no Santa Claus.

So I had to go out there in the cold and rain and bought the vanilla ice cream. At least I had Kat to keep my company. Did I mention how crazy the local grocery store was on Christmas Eve? And doing all that just for a tub of ice cream? But I guess it is nice in a way for all family traditions to be kept. Even the last minute dashes to the stores.

crazy, santaclaus, men, christmaseve, tradition, aunts, women, christmas, icecream, cold, girls, vanilla, shopping, chocolate, boys, food, family, cousins, winter, rain, uncles

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