Jan 23, 2006 21:20
I think I figured out where things started going wrong between me and Matt. It wasn't a few months ago, it was more like a year or more ago. Our big thing was that we felt like we could talk to each other about anything. And then he told me he cheated. And suddenly there was something I never ever wanted to talk about. So I didn't. I ignored it quite well, but it was joined by other things that I didn't want to talk about that stemmed from the first thing I didn't want to talk about. And now I just don't want to talk.
I wasn't getting what I needed, but I wasn't willing to bring it up to talk about it. I'm sure I wasn't giving what he needed because of that. So ultimately, who's fault is it for the drift, his for cheating or mine for never talking about it. Or anything else that bothered me. Because the few times I started to bring it up he brought up things like I was bringing up except about me.
i hate life right now. why do i always feel like i'm a bad person after i talk to matt lately.