Nov 16, 2006 09:35
Yahoo! News reported this today:
Man fined for saying four-letter-word on flight Wed Nov 15, 9:05 AM ET
A 65-year-old Australian man was fined S$10,000 ($6,423) by a Singapore court for uttering the word "bomb" on a flight to Indonesia, The Straits Times reported on Wednesday.
Riccardo Paulin, a retiree, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to having asked a flight attendant "Where do you keep the bomb?" on a flight operated by Singapore regional carrier SilkAir to the Indonesian city of Surabaya, the newspaper said.
The newspaper said he made the remark after trying to find space in the overhead lockers.
Paulin was charged under the United Nations anti-terrorism regulations, which carry a maximum fine of S$100,000 or up to five years in jail or both.
He apologized to the court for his remark, saying it was meant as a joke.
What do you guys think?