Jan 20, 2009 20:28
Hour of the new blog
So, I'm beginning to think that I should introduce myself. Isn't that how these blog things go? The first post is used to brag about yourself?
Well, let the bragging begin, then.
My name is Nikole.
Q- "Nikole, why is your name spelled with a 'k' instead of a 'c''?
A- Because my mom is an idiot, that's why.
I'm an azn computer addict. But, I'm not smart, so I don't fit the Asian stereotype. Yay?
I had other blogs, but they didn't work out. And by that, I mean I got bored of them and deleted them. (Did I mention that I have the attention span of a small rodent?)
I have my super disappearing boyfriend, Andrew. He'll not come to school for days, then show up all of a sudden. He's a pretty reclusive guy, but we'll discuss him later.
I like to blog at odd, specific hours, such as 2:36 AM. I have no life, and no skills that will help me after high school.
My blog works like this:
-I'll open with the date and the hour ( ex: hour of the 6 consecutive games of Barbie Detective or Hour of the Ramen noodles) This will help you understand what I'm doing, or have done.
-I'll write about some funny incident, or my boring day. It depends. Act like you're interested regardless.
-I'll end with a quote from a song, and an endearing term, such as 'love, nikole'
If you don't like the way things work, then GTFO. No, I'm kidding. Seriously, please stay. I'll update daily.
"This is a jetsetter music letter, from me to you" (that was the song quote)
<3 (that was my endearing term, btw)
andrew sucks,
if you are reading this i'll have secks,