Jul 07, 2015 21:27
I have a spell charm for dreams. I bought it last year, but never actually used it until last night. I recited the spell and asked for awesome adventurous dreams. Then I placed it under my pillowcase (should have placed it under my pillow... oops) up against my head, and went to sleep.
In my dream, I was watching Les Mâles de Mer perform.
(Les Mâles de Mer are from Belgium, whom I have met and heard for my first time at the Tall Ships Festival in Bay City in 2013)
I was also talking to Coco from Bocca Musica. A cord was directly in front of me, and ran beneath my chair to who-knows-where. So when I leaned in to say something to Coco, my chair pulled the cord and unplugged it, resulting in a power-outage. I really wanted to pretend like I didn't know what was going on, but the cord was right in front of me. So I raised my hand and went "It was me! Sorry!" and plugged them back in. Power came back on, and they went right back into it.
After the concert, I was trying to talk to Yves (whom I spoke with at the Tall Ships Festival), but he kept walking away to do other things. So I apologized to Manu (In French!) for disconnecting everything because it was under my chair. He said it was okay.
I walked out and everybody is running and screaming. Somebody handed me a box.
There was an alien invasion going on. My switchblade knife, with which i was trying to cut open the box with, was stuck. My knife, though, was also my hologram display from my futuristic mother, who was trying to warn me of said alien invasion. I couldn't hear the rest of the message because my knife was stuck, though, apparently, she was telling me to "run! Run far far away!"
Meh, a bit too late for that.
Very adventurous, though, near the end. XD
P.S: I WILL post about my awesome time at Pagan Fest, I swear...