Jan 02, 2015 19:03
New Year's Eve was spent differently, this year. Mango was over. We played games on our phones and laptops, we watched Transcendence (Mmmm, Paul Bettany... <3 ), and drank mimosas. Yum. At about 10:30PM, I started to get really cranky because I was so freaking tired, but Mango wanted to see the ball drop, so I turned on the TV to one of those channels. At midnight we wished each other a Happy New Year, then I went to bed, and crashed the moment my head hit the pillow.
New Year's Day we lazed about and played more games on our laptops, then went to Barnes & Noble, and Michael's for some stuff (and it being Malrich's birthday, my Michael's "stuff" was heavily influenced by his colors of purple and blue). I eventually dropped her off at home, and stopped by my in-laws to visit my niece, but she was cranky, and, instead, was being demanded attention by all three dogs. Goodness.
Today, I have not gotten out of my pajamas, and have been spending the day in between reading a book I had won at our NaNo mid-way party ("How To Write Romance And Get It Published" by Kathryn Falk, which was originally written in 1983, but revised in 1990, and hilarious in some aspects, but very informative about active voice vs passive voice), and playing Assassin's Creed Unity.
I was giddy when Arno ran into the Marquis de Sade in my game, a few days ago. Today, Arno ran into Napoleon Bonaparte. YAY!
And last but not least... I'm gonna be a... Grandma? Serich has announced (in the same wonderful surprising fashion as he did when he announced to me that he was getting married) that he is going to be a daddy.
*sobs* My novel children grow up so fast! *wipes tears*
I was napping when he told me. Still half asleep, I replied with "that's nice..." before it sunk in and my eyes went wide, and then I had to get up and run to the computer. XD
Why is it that every single announcement Serich has made, I'm all like AAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Who the hell knows how many kids Malrich has, from all his raping and one-night stands. We're all like "whatever." But Serich? I just... AAAAAAAA. XD
novel characters,
cousin mango,
assassin's creed,
baby feiertag,
new year