Spring break... wait, what?

Mar 18, 2010 20:43

Not the best spring break ever. Far from it. Let's recap so far!

Friday: -Left school over half an hour later than originally scheduled, resulting in missing my expected ETA and not getting home until 9pm.
             -Caydence (younger sister) came down with a 24-hour bug that had her throwing up for most of the night.
Saturday: -Spent most of the day in Tyler's room (younger brother) playing Radiant Mythology and watching him play FFX.
                  -Caydence slept all day.
Sunday: -Weather was bad, so I did not go to church. Caydence was fine by now.
                -Tyler went to the mall to get his copy of Pokemon HeartGold, played it for an hour, then took a bed. (He was up all the night before.)
                -By night, he was sick with the same thing Caydence had.
Monday: -Tyler stayed home and slept.
                -I worked on cosplay and played more Radiant Mythology.
Tuesday: -Tyler stayed home and slept. (He was fine by now btw)
                  -Mom stayed home today and for the rest of the week (she starts a new job on Monday).
                  -I went to the mall and bought cosplay stuff, then to JoAnns for the same. One of the costumers for the high school drama club saw me and informed me of the play they are currently working on. 
                  -I worked on cosplay.
Wednesday: -I woke up around 7am and knew right away that I had caught the bug. I proceeded to throw up 4 times throughout the rest of the morning, then sleep for 3 hours after that.
                       -I could only drink water. Mom made me soup around 6:30, so I missed corned beef and cabbage for St. Patrick's Day.
                       -I soaked in hot water for a while and spent the rest of the evening on the couch watching stuff. Went to bed by midnight.
Thursday: -Overslept, drank some orange juice, and later made macaroni and cheese for lunch (which I did not finish).
                   -Worked on cosplay.
                   -Cousin Rene called me and said the drama club costumer had been in touch with her, requesting my services. I pleaded homework (which is true) and lent my sewing machine. (don't need it right now anyway)

Only 2 and a half more days. Greeeeeaaaat. Being sick totally messed up my plans. How will I finish the wigs, the blastia, and my homework now? The gloves for Estelle have to wait anyway because I forgot the right color thread. Oh well... T_T

cosplay, sick, spring break

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