...sick? At work? Me? WTF!?

Aug 26, 2008 22:30

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Yeah, you heard right, this is the FIRST time I've ever gotten sick at work and come home early. I started at 10, and I felt fine. Around 11, I started feeling kind of woozy, like maybe it would be a good idea to lie down, and very soon after I had an urge to run to the bathroom. False alarm, however I had to sit down in the back room for a few minutes, where a few co-workers were chatting, and they asked me if I was all right. I raise my head with an "I don't know" and one of them comments "Your face is all red." However, I don't want to give up a day's pay that easily, so I don my smock and return to the sales floor- just when the supervisor pages me, not knowing where I went. I bravely resume my duties on register, and 10 minutes later I'm in the bathroom again- this time for real. I go to the supervisor and tell her sadly that I don't think I can last my whole 8-hour shift, so she lets me go home. I called a cab, feeling too shaky on my feet to walk. Thankfully, my house isn't THAT far, and it only costs me $5 to get back.

It's noon by this time. I spend most of the afternoon lying on the couch hugging a pillow, watching my younger sister play Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, and running to the bathroom every couple hours. At one point, while my sis took a break, we went online to watch Vocaloid stuff on Youtube (one of which I'm including as the song of the day), and make her a cd. At some point later, the FF:CC music put me to sleep for a while. For anyone who's played the game, she was playing through Conall Curach, and I only woke up when the boss music started.

Now, what did I eat today? Some toast with blueberry preserves on it, and cocoa. Some chicken soup with veggies. A glass of grape juice. And my mom made chicken cacciatore tonight! T_T It's so good... she told me to make some spaghetti and take it to work tomorrow for dinner. Assuming I go to work tomorrow. But I'm sure I'll be fine. There's only 2 more days.

And Yay Vesperia! The Gald Quest is so hard... even though everyone says it's easy. It only lasts one day so I'd better figure it out quick.

Oh yeah, and since I left work early, I didn't get to pick up the stuff I needed for school still. Last week of vacation before school, Day Three.

work, sick, ffcc, vesperia

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