I thought once the show gets pass the pilot and into its groove, I would actually get some objectivity, but it doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. My heart just fills up with love when it's on the screen.
How gorgeous is the set? It's HUGE and pretty and I love it when they have those continuous shots or when one scene blends into the next. I'm going to out myself out as the ultimate geek, but I wish there was a floor plan of the set online somewhere.
Positive: Amanda Peet doesn't bug as much! I think she's settled down nicely and it's a relief that she's no longer smirking in every other scene.
What's up with the music, Snuffy? Matt and Harriet were having this fantastic scene and they were breaking my heart (especially Harry), and I get completely pulled out of it due to cheesy background music.
LOVE the big three in this ep, and even back in the pilot. I love that they constantly have each other's backs.
STUDIO 60 = LOVE. Except for the part where Aaron Sorkin apparently still hates the internet.
I was ready to re-watch Studio 60 last night, but my flist exploded with VM squee when I got back from my night class. YAY.
YOU GUYS, MY SHOW IS BACK. I'm been feeling a whole lot of "MEH" towards VM since the season finale, but it's finally back on track. It was fun and funny and I like the new characters so far.
New credit. Didn't like it on the first watch because I love the old credits, but I think it'll grow on me. It's more noir-ish, I'll give them that.
AHAHAHA, Piz is wearing the argyle sweater.
BSG shout out! "Frak!"
They woobie-fied Dick. Aww. Can't wait for more Logan/Dick BFF moments.
I totally melted when Logan gave Veronica his keys. I'm so, so weak when it comes to them. And he asked for her purse! And knew the taser was in there!
I think I'm rusty with the teevee watching thing because I didn't see the whole "Harper being raped" storyline coming.
Oh show, how I've missed you. I wish it was October 3rd already (well, really, the week after). The only downside is that London's UPN didn't change over to the CW and we don't get Sun TV, even though it interrupted NBC's West Wing feed last year. ARGH.
Gilmore Girls tonight! Downloaded last night's Weeds! Taped Heroes!
I love the fall tv season.