Spit and curse.

Apr 03, 2006 01:12

I knew it was going to be a filler ep, I knew they were going to leave Leo's death as a cliffhanger, yet it annoyed me anyway. We only have, what, six eps left? I need actual stuff to happen. Yaaaay for Josh/Donna for finally getting their act together, but it's not necessary to devote a whole episode to sex.

How much did I love assertive!Donna? I absolutely loved that she was the one who initiated the process (because really, if she had to wait for Josh to make the first move, she would've had to wait another seven years) and was completely in control of the situation, whereas Josh was at loss of what to do. Also: awkward.

CHARLIE! I don't think we've seen him since he slept with Zoey.

Oh, CJ. I'm not ready to leave the White House yet either.

Haaaa, Kate voted for Vinick and Will was absolutely horrified.

Even the sex couldn't calm Josh down on Election Day. Though he was right, the staffers were getting confident waaay too early. Do they want to tempt the wrath of whatever from high atop the thing? "Go outside, turn around three times, and spit."

Promo talk. I can't take the anticipation any longer. It's like standing in the middle of the road, waiting for a truck to hit you. You know it's coming and it's going to hurt, but the wait is even worst and you just want to get over with it already. Okay, bad analogy, but you know what I mean. WHY MUST THEY DRAG THIS OUT? Television, ratings, blah blah fishcakes, but I just NEED to see this already. I beg of you, my heart can't take it anymore so just tear it out and stomp on it already. I just need to bawl my eyes out already instead of constantly waiting for IT to happen or getting emotionally verklempt over the littlest things while randomly watching past episodes. (I lied - I don't think the latter will ever go away.)

Actual promo talk. The look on Josh's face when he asks, "Where is he?" and then sprints down the hall, poor Annabeth's expression with mascara running down her face when she says, "He died,” the way Josh leans into Donna, absolutely devastated? WHY ISN'T IT NEXT WEEK ALREADY? The worst part is we still don't know how Jed reacts to the news. Argh ugh ARGH.

Grey's tonight - I still want a George, and I continue to love Addison a lot. That's a given though.

tv: the west wing, tv: grey's anatomy

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