Swimming is OVAH! Wheeee! No more freezing my ass off in the pool/ on the deck, and no more rushing in the change room to get to my next class! I can't recall how testing went because I was a bit distracted. It went something like this:
Backstroke Testing, running commentary in my head:
Me, getting in the start position: Pinky in the water first, question mark pattern, flutter kick slightly breaking the surface, follow the ceiling to go straight...
Instructor: Swimmer, take your mark, go!
Me, after forgetting to breathe out during the start: Sweet relief, surface! Omg water up the nose! Gasp, choke, splutter! Water in the goggles! Water down the throat and I CAN'T BREATHE! Dear gawd, I've only done half a length! Still choking on water! Where the HELL ARE THE EFFING FLAGS?! Oh, look, there they are.
Flags, stroke, stroke, stroke, flip to frontcrawl, flipturn
Me: How am I still choking on water?! Oh shit, I just smacked into the side of the pool! Re-adjust self, keep stroking, almost there, and... stop. Cough, cough, COUGH.
So I'm pretty sure my technique (if I had any in the first place) went down the drain, and I've blocked out how I did on the rest of the strokes. Whatevs, because swimming is DONE! I've already decided to put my future kids in swimming lessons because I don't want them to go through the horror of not knowing how to swim. Other sports are much more easy to learn but swimming... it's fracking hard dude.
You know how this week has been beautiful, with +10 degrees C weather? Well it's suppose to snow tonight. We're getting 10cm of snow. Why, weather gods, why must you tease me like this? The ground has been cleared of snow for the first time in months, and you're just dumping it all back?! Sobs.
The apartment I'm living in acts as our internet provider and somehow, they've slowed down the torrenting process (but not normal downloading), and I'm beyond frustrated by it, along with their stupid upload/download limit. I missed JJ Wednesday nights because of volunteering obligations, so I'm staying away from spoilers for now. I'm waaay behind on this week's tv watching and I've spoiled myself for Tuesday night due to impatience.
Go visit
Rob Thomas' site (executive producer and creator of Veronica Mars) because he's hilarious. I absolutely love VM; it's my most anticipated show of the week. I think I may put Scrubs on the backburner for next week and watch VM live - that's how much I love this show. Dayum, next week's ep looks GOOD. About this week's episode,
did Weevil lose money as a bookie? He mentioned he was covered for both teams, but really, everyone was betting on Neptune High. They ended up winning, so did he have to pay everyone up? That can't put Veronica on his good side. Oh, and how adorable are Veronica and Wallace? BFF! I've been wanting to make snickerdoodles for the past couple of days, even though I've never eaten this cookie in my life.
I'm getting really excited about moving into our new house for next year. Screw you, student apartment - never again. I ended up drawing the biggest room out of all four, and I'm not really sure what to do with all that space. It's GIGANTIC. The plus side is that the room is already painted a darkish purple, the colour I wanted for next year, so it saves me the trouble of doing it myself. My room this year doesn't feel like me, nor does it feel homey, so I have big visions for next year. Oh, and I have windows! Yes, you read that right, windowSSSSS! From zero to three (I think)!
After an insane amount of house hunting, I've decided that I really like old houses better compared to new ones. Sure, new houses have the advantage of new appliances, carpeting, and things being cleaner, but it gives off a sterile feeling. I like the welcoming and homey feeling of old houses, and the outside and inside has more character. And yes, the house we're moving into is old. With slightly creaky wooden floors. I love it already.
I need to see Sin City sometime soon, though I don't think I'll have the time before finals arrive. 5 more school days to go, woot. I'm jealous of everyone who's done already and actually get a study week.
Song of the day:
Nelly Furtado - Try And I have lived so many lives
Though I'm not old
And the more I see, the less I grow