Simple Man (1/1) Dean-centric, family feels.

Apr 11, 2012 22:46

Title: Simple Man
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Fandom: Supernatural
Summary:This is all Dean needed; this is all he ever wanted.

Lynyrd Skynyrd blasting from the Implala's speakers, two-laned asphalt racing underneath her wheels, Dad lazily taking in Kansas' endless corn fields to his right; Sammy napping in the back.

This was all Dean needed; all he ever wanted. Just him, his family, and nothing but miles and miles of road ahead.

These were the quiet times: when Sam wasn't worried about school, when Dad wasn't worried about a Hunt, when Dean only needed to drive. These were the times he treasured. They were too far and few between, now more then before-Sammy wasn't a chubby little kid anymore. He was 'Sam', all grown up. And Dad, well, his boys were older now; more capable. They didn't need him on every Hunt. "We cover more ground and save more lives if we separate."

But on days like this it was so easy to forget. It was easy to just… Just take in the peace, the warmth, the familiarity of sharing a cramped space-hot, sweaty, with nothing to do but just be-and listen to the same three tapes over and over and commune with family. Argue over who got to drive, reminisce old times, old motels, old schools, old dates, old Hunts-take in the endless scenery and Sam does that cloud look like a Werewolf eating a piece of pie to you?

Dean loved these times, and if there was a Heaven, this is what his would be like, he was sure. It would be endless days with Sam, Dad, and the Impala. Because in the end that's all that mattered-revenge would only get his father so far, Dean knew. And Sammy's schooling could only do so much for him. But family, the time they spent together? That would be forever. It was something stronger then blood, at least to Dean. And he knew, deep down, it was the same for them.

character: john, character: dean, character: sam, supernatural

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