Mommy Dearest (4/?)

Jan 31, 2012 22:35

Title: Mommy Dearest
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Destiel/Bottom!Dean
Disclaimer: Not mine, but if it was, this would be Canon. 
Warnings: Slash, language, Mpreg, bad grammar...
Summary: Things go a bit differently in 6.19, Mommy Dearest. Dean didn't drink the Phoenix ash, and these are the consequences...

ATTENTION: I figured since I couldn't make up my mind I'd let you guys pick the first baby monster you want Dean to make. The first one won't be a legit Mpreg, and I want his first monster to be animal based (for reasons) so... What do you guys want first? Werewolf, Phoenix, Skinwalker, etc, etc, etc...?
Also, same thing for his first real pregnancy, what do you want the end game to be? Phoenix, wraith, Ghoul? Name off things that haven't been on Supernatural too if you fancy. What do you want to see pop out of Dean? XD

I posted this on first, so they already have a head start on the voting. The most picked choices are: Phoenix, Skinwalker, Nahual, Werewolf, and I've been told that Vampire is over used, so no matter what no Vamps. (For now...)

I'm a little hesitant about the Skinwalker, because Highermagic used that in her Eve!Dean fic and I don't want to look like a dick and copy. XD She's an awesome writer though, and in case you didn't notice this stories inspiration came for "Love the Way you Lie".

(This might be a little confusing, 'cuz i'm jumping back in time so... takes place right after Sam and Cas put Dean in one of the spare bedrooms at Bobby's, so obviously before the last chapter...)
The halls reek of blood, guts and other disgusting bodily fluids-human or otherwise. The place isn't as big as Crowley's first hide out, but the long corridors and iron doors still give off the same intimidating presence. Or so he'd heard some of the Demon's lesser grunts say anyways. To him the place was completely without import, it was fine as long as the King of Hell figured out how to open Purgatory.

As Castiel approached the door leading to where he sensed Crowley, he noticed what looked like a very fresh trail of blood leading back to the holding cells, the direction the Angel had just come. With a tilt of head, he stepped over the fresh smudges and wondered if Crowley wasn't working on any of his captive creatures at the moment. It was an odd thought, considering the Demon had been on a non-stop torture rampage since their Deal had begun.

It didn't matter now, though. That's not why he was here. Purgatory wasn't his biggest priority any more. Dean's wellbeing was. But that didn't necessarily mean Crowley needed to know that, in fact, Castiel fully intended to keep Dean's condition a secret for as long as he could manage. He still needed information on the All-mother, though, and who better to get it from than the Demon hunting her?

Opening the rusted and blood stained iron door, the once-fallen Angel's previous thoughts were confirmed. Crowley was lounging in a leather chair sipping Scotch, looking completely out of place in the macabre surroundings of his usual work space.

"Ah, if it isn't my favorite Angel," commented Crowley, usual smirk in place.

"Crowley," Castiel greeted curtly. "Have you found anything new on Purgatory?"

"All work and no play makes for a burnt out husk of a Vessel," Crowley's smirk grew. "But yes, we do have some new… developments. But you already know about them, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure that's why you're here."

Castiel's brow furrowed. He didn't see how it was possible for him to know about-

"I hear a certain Hunter's just been promoted to top Monster," Castiel stops himself from flinching, but his eyes waiver for a moment. "Ah yes, that's why you're here, isn't it? But I doubt it's to help our endeavors for Purgato-"

"No. Dean Winchester is to be left out of this. His condition changes nothing."

"Thought so, but we couldn't have used him anyways, or at least not in the way you're thinking," Crowley chuckled at Castiel's confused look. "He can't open Purgatory, Love, he's never been there."

There's a pause. Crowley must have Demon's trailing him. It was a disturbing thought, that he couldn't pick up on their presence, but he would have to deal with that later, Castiel had a reason for coming to Crowley about this.

"You have texts on the All-mother," it was a statement, the Angel knew as much. Crowley had to get his information on Eve somehow.

"Piles," Crowley gestures toward the opposite side of the room, at another iron door. "Help yourself. I'm sure you'll want to get back to your lover boy as soon as possible."

Ignoring the Demon's taunts, Castiel makes for the door. He needs to figure out how to reverse what Eve has done to Dean and fast, he's never dealt with anything like this before-Eve has never been able to find a sufficient match to change. A cure had never been a necessity, in all of time, until now.

"But of course there isn't a cure," Castiel stops at that, turns to face the King of Hell with glare that would have most Demons cringe back in fear. "Trust me, I've been through every one of those books; there's nada on how to reverse the All-mother phenomenon. Your boy Dean's stuck the way he is… But on the bright side, at least he's not an only mother. I'm sure Eve would be more than happy to spilt child suppo-"

Castiel grabs hold of the Demon's suit lapels, yanks him out of his chair and into the tile wall. He lets his Grace run rampant, unchecked. It's not enough to really harm Crowley, but enough for a slow burn to work over the Demons entire body.

"You're lying, there must be a way to reverse the effects," the Angel growls out through gritted teeth. "There must be other texts."

Crowley's eyes turn beetle-black, hissing as the Grace slides over his vessel. "Sorry, Love, but there isn't exactly all that much on the All-mother. After all, there has always been just one, just Eve. If you want more books, you're gonna have to start writing them yourself."

Castiel growls, angered beyond intelligible response. He let's go of Crowley though, steps back with a sneer. He won't except that there's nothing to help Dean, there's always a way to fix things. If anything it was Dean himself who taught him that.

"Oh, don't get your panties in a bunch," Crowley snips, straightening out his suit and tie. "Aren't you and your little band of Freedom fighters supposed to be about silver linings and all that jazz? There isn't a cure, but there's plenty of other information on All-mothers. I'm sure you'll figure out something. The Winchester's are like cockroaches, can't get rid of them, not without something short of a bloody nuclear war."

"What can you tell me about them, the transformation?" Castiel asks tersely. "What, exactly, is happening to Dean?"

"Transition from man to Mother, Darling," Crowley walks back over to his chair, materializes another glass of scotch, lounges and drinks without a care in the world. In that moment, Castiel had never wanted to kill the Demon more.

"Look, becoming an All-mother isn't like becoming any other monster, a Vampire for example. When you become a blood sucker, you grow fangs, your heart stops, etc. But becoming an All-mother is so much more. Think of it as Dean accepting thousands of new children as his own. He has a psychic connection with them all, like Eve, and, of course, holds some reign over them. Let me guess, you're worried about the whole flailing, screaming in pain thing, right? Well don't, Pet. It's normal. He's just established thousands of different connections with living, mostly breathing, monsters. That's bound to fuck with the Human body and mind, initially."

"In your search for Eve, have you found anything other than Phoenix ash that can kill them?" Castiel's tone is still cold, ridged, but he's calmed some. Crowley had been correct in assuming it had been Dean's state on his way to Bobby's that had caused the Angel so much distress. (And again, he'd have to do something about the Demons trailing him.)

"Hm, no such luck. If there's anything else out there in the big bad world that can harm an All-mother, Dean'll have to discover it on his own." Crowley clicks his tongue, face drawn in an over-exaggerated look of thought before: "'The First Testament of the All-mother'. I think that's the book you're gonna wanna start with." Crowley smiles wickedly, something Castiel has come to familiarizes as a leer.

It unsettles the Angel, makes him both eager to get his hands on the book and stay far away from it at the same time. Castiel had seen that look many times before, and Dean had been kind enough in the beginning of their relationship as Charge and Guardian to explain what it meant.

Nothing good.

Castiel turns; walks briskly to the metal door the King of Hell had motioned towards earlier-the Angel didn't want to leave Dean alone for too long, not while in such a vulnerable state. He'd read through a few books, then go back to see if the Hunters condition had changed.
He'd find a way to fix Dean if it were the last thing he did, because he knew that if their positions were reversed, Dean'd do the same with no hesitation.

Part five

eve!dean, character: crowley, character: eve, character: sam, powers!dean, genre: mpreg, character: castiel, character: bobby, hurt!dean, supernatural, coda: 6.19, mommy!verse, genre: creature!fic, pairing: dean/castiel

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