18 Roses (9th Rose)

Jan 04, 2010 20:46

Title: 18 Roses
Pairing: Park Yoochun and OC
Rating: PG
Summary: Two diary entries from two people brought together by fate. On one hand, a girl starting a new life in a new city while she reaches for he dreams. On the other hand, a guy healing from the end of a beautiful past. What has fate installed for them?
Quotes: "Have you ever thought just maybe, you belong with me"
A/N: Quote taken from Taylor Swift's 'You Belong With Me'..Last rose for tonight..Comments are loved..A bit different from the other chapters since it's just from Cherry..Betaed by ting5 .

9th Rose

September 20, 2008

Dear Diary,

Whew. What a day. My boss gave me a day off! Ha-ha. However, it was not so I could get some rest or anything but so that I could focus on the design for her room. I decided to go oriental so I was thinking of giving it a mix of the cultures in East Asia. Hmmm. It was a tiring day, but it was fun roaming around the city looking at stores and discovering very interesting stuffs. I never thought this place could have so many shops that actually fit my taste. I’m starting to like this place alre--

Ha-ha. This day could not get any more exciting. It’s 12 in the morning and I have a guy sleeping in my guest room and I have to become a private nurse because he has a fever. I stopped in the middle of writing because I heard a sound coming from the fire exit. When I opened the fire exit door, Yoochun was lying there while his dog kept on pacing around him. I think the sound I heard was Yoochun hitting his head on the door. Surprisingly, with the help of his dog, I managed to get him into the guest room. When I checked his temperature, it was 38.50C and I had to replace the towel on his forehead like every other minute. I called Chie requesting help with Yoochun and she advised me to take care of him for the night since he lives alone in his apartment and someone has to monitor his condition. Sigh. He looked so weak and pale.

When he woke up around 10 in the evening, I gave him some chicken soup so he could have something to eat. It was actually very funny when I offered him the soup because he kept on insisting that he was not hungry but then his stomach gave a loud grumble and we ended up laughing. In the end he had no choice but to eat it. After he ate, I stayed in the guestroom and we talked for awhile. Yoochun told me that he’s a veterinarian and he has a clinic four blocks away from the apartment building. He also told me about his brother who helps him out at the clinic.  Chie is actually his cousin while Yunho, Junsu and Changmin are his childhood friends. While we were talking, the sky lighted up with beautiful fireworks. The display lasted for about five minutes leaving Yoochun and I speechless. Don’t you think it’s sweet?

Around 11, he was so persistent on going back to his apartment that I had to threaten him that I would call Chie if he didn’t do as I say. After hearing my threat, Yoochun immediately shut his mouth. I guess he’s afraid of his cousin. However, I had to put my convincing powers back to work because I had to force him to go to sleep so he could have some rest. I never thought Yoochun could be so stubborn. But then again he kept on doing this very cute pout that I just cannot help but kept pinching his cheeks whenever he did that. Ha-ha.

I just checked on him and his temperature has returned to normal and Harang (that’s the name of his dog, Yoochun told me earlier) was also with him right now. Hmmm. Speaking of Harang, I didn’t have any allergic reaction earlier. That’s weird. I guess my allergy is getting picky.

I almost forgot about my rose for today. After I put Yoochun to bed, I went to check if there was rose and there it was, just as beautiful as the other roses. “Have you ever thought just maybe, you belong with me?” Sweet.


completed: 18 roses, band: dong bang shin ki, pairing: yoochun and oc

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