18 Roses (7th Rose)

Jan 04, 2010 20:40

Title: 18 Roses
Pairing: Park Yoochun and OC
Rating: PG
Summary: Two diary entries from two people brought together by fate. On one hand, a girl starting a new life in a new city while she reaches for he dreams. On the other hand, a guy healing from the end of a beautiful past. What has fate installed for them?
Quotes: "Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake up and reach for hands that are not there."
A/N: I can't access Winglin so I can't put the credits for the quotes..Sigh..Betaed by ting5 .

7th Rose

September 18, 2008

Dear Diary,

Gosh. I woke up this morning with a splitting headache and for the second time I almost arrived late for work. Oh. I have some good news. Not just good but great news. I was so shocked when my boss told me about this when I arrived at the office. Here it goes. Although it’s not included in my job description, I’m so happy that my boss asked me to do it. Well, my boss asked me to be the interior designer for her bedroom. She planned on having it renovated and since she read in my bio-data that I finished a course in interior designing she decided to give me the job. I’m so happy! I can finally practice my profession. I’m excited already. Finally, a stepping stone, a light at the end of the tunnel. But I’m feeling nervous too. I mean what if I screw up? It would be the end of my career-a career that I haven’t even started yet. Shucks. Well, I still have to give it my best shot. AJA! FIGHTING!

Sigh. I saw Yoochun today when I took the stairs to go up the apartment. I was somewhere on the 2nd floor when I saw Yoochun coming down. When he passed by, he greeted me with a smile. We exchanged a quick greeting and after that he was gone. I wonder what’s wrong with him. He seemed fine yesterday. Well, he did look kind of pale. I sure hope he’s doing well.

Aside from the sick-looking Yoochun, I arrived this afternoon feeling disappointed because there was no rose waiting for me. I thought that maybe my SA thought of stopping or something like that. However, around six in the evening, I heard the doorbell ring and when I opened the door there was a beautiful rose outside. SA apologized for the delay and of course, my daily dose of quotes was present: “Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake up and reach for hands that are not there.” Hmm. Quite bitter don’t you think?


18 September 2008

I’m not feeling well today. I woke up at 3 in the morning having difficulty in breathing. I had a feeling today was not going to be a very great day. Sigh. It was another busy day at the clinic. There were a lot of clients and I was dying to get out of the clinic by lunchtime. Fortunately, Yoohwan came to take over so I had time to rest. I went home and slept the whole afternoon.

I just remembered my dream. It was really weird. I was trapped in a glass case and I had no way of getting out. I was about to hit the glass in order to get out but then I saw her image; beautiful and smiling. Suddenly, I lost all courage to break the glass as tears fell from my eyes while I touched her image. A few moments later, there was a hand reaching out to me. I couldn’t figure out who the person was but I was certain that it was a girl. It’s like her hand was inviting me to get out. I wanted to break the glass but seeing her image on it, I couldn’t bear to shatter her into pieces. I kept looking back and forth between the hand and her image, and before I knew it I woke up to the sound of a pigeon pecking outside my window. Damn. What did that mean? It has been one year. Why did I have to see her face again? And who was that girl? I hope it would be the last time I’ll have that dream.

Another weird thing happened today when I was going down the stairs this afternoon. I was in a hurry since I was late for my check-up at Dr. Lee’s clinic so I was running down the stairs. I passed by Cherry and said a quick greeting. What was weird about it was that my dream flashed through my mind when I looked at her. Does that mean anything? Is she somehow related to my dream? Sigh. I don’t know. I really don’t want to think about that dream again. I just want to erase that dream in my mind. I’m really losing it again.


completed: 18 roses, band: dong bang shin ki, pairing: yoochun and oc

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