My Only Wish This Year 4/4

Dec 19, 2009 16:56

Title: My Only Wish This Year
Pairing: Junsu and OC
Rating: PG

You kissed me.”
“And you kissed me back.”
“That was my first kiss.”
“And this will be your second.”

Part 4 December 25 - 1 PM. Merry Christmas! I’m so tired. Everyone’s already going to sleep. I volunteered to wash the dishes so obviously I’m still up.



I jumped in shock. I turned around to see Junsu approaching me. He pulled his sleeves up and helped me in washing the dishes. I returned to what I was doing. We continued washing the dishes till he broke the silence.

“Can you answer my question now?”


“The question I asked you earlier. Why are you spending Christmas here?”

I took a deep breath and sighed.

“Well, my parents are both abroad.”


“I don’t have any place to spend Christmas at.”

“Don’t you have any relatives?” He asked with raised eyebrows.

“Yes. But the ones I want to spend Christmas with live far from here and I’m not allowed to travel. While the ones who are in the city…let’s just say, I don’t feel like spending Christmas with them.”

He just kept silent.

“Contented with my answer?”

“Not quite. That doesn’t answer why you chose this place.”

I laughed. He raised his eyebrows.

“I don’t really know. I asked Sister Yen if it was okay to spend Christmas here and she agreed. Well, let’s just say I wanted to do something different. Besides, I love the kids here. They make me feel that life is not that bad. That there’s still hope and that there will always be people for you when you don’t have your family.”


“Did I answer your question Mr. Junsu?”


“So, why are you here? Don’t you have a family?”

“Me? I have a family. Or should I say I had a family. They died two years ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok.”

“So, why choose this place?”

“Why? Because I used to live here.”

He must have seen my confusion because he elaborated his answer.

“I grew up in this orphanage. When I was 10, my parents came back for me. I was the happiest kid back then. I come to visit here every now and then when my parents were still alive. Then two years ago, they died in an accident. Since then I would come back here more often, and this is the second time I spent Christmas with them.”

“I see.”

We finished washing and drying the dishes and are now placing them in the cupboards. I was trying to return the dishes in one of the cupboards but it was too high.

“Uhm. Junsu, can you help me to return these dishes? The cupboard is a bit high.”


I was expecting him to take the dishes and return them himself, but then I suddenly felt his arms on my waist and before I knew it I was lifted up in air.

“Make it fast. You’re heavy.”

“Aish. Fine.”

I immediately placed the dishes in. “You can put me down now.”

He put me down but instead of putting me down on the floor, he seated me on top of the kitchen counter.



“What are you doing?” I inquired softly.

I was between his arms and was breathing heavily. I didn’t know what to do with him so near me.

“Let’s just stay this way, okay? Relax.” Junsu whispered in my ears, sending shivers down my spine.

From my ears, his lips moved to kiss my forehead then my cheeks and finally he claimed my lips. His lips were soft. The kiss was not demanding at all. I was shocked with what he did. Damn. This is my first kiss. What am I supposed to do? I slowly parted my lips to take in some air but he took it as a chance to slip his tongue in. Then he hugged me by the waist and I felt myself relaxing. Slowly, I started to kiss him back. After what seemed like forever I pulled back. We were both breathing heavily, trying to catch some air. Damn. I just made out with a guy I barely knew.

“You kissed me.” I accused him.

“And you kissed me back.” Junsu retorted.

“That was my first kiss.”

“And this will be your second.”

His hand went around my neck and pulled me for another kiss. His kiss was very gentle. It’s like he’s exploring every inch of my mouth with his lips, his tongue. I couldn’t help myself from kissing him back. My arms went around his shoulders, drawing him in to deepen the kiss. We were like that for what seemed like forever but we didn’t care. We just cherished our moment. Yes. Our moment. A few minutes later, we heard banging sounds outside. Fireworks lit up the sky with their beautiful colors. We stopped kissing. We were awed with the fireworks display before us.

The fireworks display ended and Junsu backed away a little.

“I have to do something.”


“Just continue returning the dishes!” he hollered somewhere in the hallway.

What the hell. He kissed me. After he got what he wanted he left me? What a jerk.

I continued returning the dishes and the other utensils in the cupboards with a heavy heart. I was so close to breaking all the dishes. Still, I carried on doing the after care without doing any damage. When everything was done I made my way to the living room to get some sleep. It would be hard to catch a ride if I go home this late.

I entered the living room and was surprised when I saw Junsu sitting under the Christmas tree with a big red bow on his head and mini chalkboards hanging on his neck. I didn’t know if I should laugh at him because of the way he looks or if I should get angry because of what he did earlier. Aish.

“What are you doing there?” I asked with one of my eyebrows raised.

“Uhm. Sitting.”

“Whatever.” I turned around, still feeling angry at what he did.

“Aren’t you going to help me up?”

“You’re not disabled so you can perfectly stand up on your own.”

“Come on. Please help me. Please…” he pouted.

“Aish. You’re so childish.” Damn that cute face.

He smiled when I approached him. I removed the red bow from his head after pulling him up. I was about to move away when he held one of my arms.

“Read the messages first.”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine.”

I read the message in the chalkboards, removing them one by one,

First board: Dear Sofia,

Second board: I received your letter just in time

Third board: I know you’ve been a good girl this year

Fourth board: I hope you like my gift for you

Fifth board: ~Santa

Sixth board: P.S.: I couldn’t put the gift in a box

Seventh board: So I just place a big red bow on top

Eighth board: (^-^)

I rolled my eyes again and looked down. I was doing my best not to laugh. Wow. I never thought a guy could be this cheesy. But then again, it was sweet.

He lifted my chin. I was smiled at him and he smiled in return.

“Merry Christmas Fi-Fi.”

“Merry Christmas Su.”

He pulled me into his arms and we hugged. Waah! I’m the luckiest girl on earth. I’m not sure if I’m in love, but I know that by being in his arms it seems as though all things fell into place.  I felt complete.

I lifted my head. I gave him a peck on the lips, but he held my head and instead of a smack it turned into a passionate kiss.

I smiled. It seems like this will be one Christmas I will forever remember.

Finally finished posting it..I hope you guys like it..Although I'm not sure if anyone is reading this..hehehe..Comments are loved..Advance Merry christmas and a happy new year..

band: dong bang shin ki, pairing: junsu and oc

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