Aug 31, 2006 10:03
So I never ever ever ever update anymore - hm. Maybe I will when I get back to school and feel the need to procrastinate more. Yeah, probably. haha I move back sometime during the second week of September and I am more than excited. I am going to have an awesome room and be beack living with awesome people in an awesome town and it will be . . . awesome. ;o) I feel very Mean Girls saying all that. haha AWESOME! Ooookay, anyways! See what having an office job does to ya! I think it killed my creativity. Seriously. I got my first Cretive Writing thesis assignment the other day because I am in a jam and cannot think of ANYTHING to write about let alone any characters. I am done with my characters from last year for now so I pseudo threw them away. They bore me. Now I get to read obituaries and personal adds and wedding announcements in the paper and write little character bios. haha Hopefully something will pop out at me as a viable character I can give some life to. *no pun intended. haHA!* I came up with a pretty kick ass piece last year doing this so I think it'll work again. Wish me luck!!! But for now I must return to the monotomy of my office job. Oh goody! Hope you all are basking in the last weeks of summer!!! :o)
Oh, PS: It's that time of year again when I change my font color. I cannot do purple, teal, green or orange. Any suggestions? I think I've done red too. So I guess that only really leaves pink and blue huh? Unless someone else knows a cool html color! :oP