I have been bombarded lately by well meaning friends tidings of A Certain Movie, since having heard me speak enthusiastically of the books (and not having read the series themselves, despite my efforts). It's a horrible job to inform them that I am in no way interested in seeing this movie, and watch their enthusiasm on my behalf fade as I try to explain to them just how Hollywood has mutilated and then vomited all over one of my favorite books of all time. The day hit a new low, however, when I came home today to discover via iTunes trailers that they have now prefaced the original title with "The Seeker." I can see this is meant to increase the "thrill" I am supposed to feel emanating from this movie. I didn't think this movie could make the full body cringe any worse, and yet they still manage.
Not to mention this increases my fear that they are planning sequels. *shudders and dives under the comforter where the last shreds of sanity in the world must remain*
Anyway, on to happier (?) topics. Have been working on paper for that Anatomy in the Middle Ages class I'm taking. Good times.
The book whose argument I am summarizing examines divine and demonic possession in women (and women were mainly the ones being possessed) in the Middle Ages, tracing it's evolution into essentially believing in only demonic possession (because women = evil, duh) and pointing to this epistemological shift as laying the groundwork for the fear of witches and witch-hunts that were to follow in the 17th century. This last bit of the argument is interesting to me, having read a few pieces of scholarly work on witch-hunting and wondering just how this wave of intense misogyny erupted onto the scene. It makes more sense to see it as a chapter in a long history in the extreme distrust and dislike of the female. In any case, I'm having a hell of a time putting my thoughts on the argument and the use of texts onto paper, even though it all seems (more or less) clear in my head. Of course, this might be a good sign, since I have to also give a thirty minute presentation on it in two weeks time.
In other news, I have not touched my speech-language pathology-related research in well over two weeks. Clearly it is time for desperate measures. I foresee one long afternoon spent in the library computer lab using my entire term's paper quota in an effort to kick start my research. Again.