After sleeping twelve straight hours, I woke up less refreshed than you might think. I suspect I am trying to get sick, but my white blood cells must be putting up a hell of a fight.
I spaced my way through phonetics and tried not to drool from boredom. Not because acoustics is boring (to me, at least) but I had already read the chapter and finished my acoustics lab report, which is what the prof was explaining today, so it was less than riveting.
Today also marked the Day I am Done With All Things Encyclopedie, which would make the day momentous all by itself if it weren't for Other Things That Also Made This Day Great, which I will cover below. I gave my "presentation" on my faux prospectus and babbled my way through it rather incoherently, which is my fault for not preparing very much. I should've just read straight off my prospectus, but oh well. All I have left now, (I say "all" when actually, it is probably the MOST important thing) is to turn in the final prospectus, which is done, and get my grade. It has left me with one book recommendation, a notebook worth of notes, and a great French vocabulary than I ever expected to have two years after completing French. I expect to forget much of it directly. :D?
What made this day incredibly excellent, however, was the Box of Awesome awaiting me at the front desk from
saphyria! Four different kinds of tea! A loffly blue scarf! Furry socks! Four different kinds of tea! A frog mug! An almost impossible to open envelope with a card! Four different kinds of tea! The Spirited Away soundtrack! Vivaldi's Four Seasons! The Goldberg Variations! Four different kinds of tea! And too much tape! (Seriously. Waaaaay too much tape. But then, she might have been mocking my excess use of tape when wrapping things.) It is a good thing that my neighbor has moved out or she might have been alarmed by all the cackling coming from my room.
saphyria, I turn to the southeast and bow in homage. ...Not that you'll be reading this until you get back from vacation.