Apr 08, 2011 20:45
Hear me out, flist. I had a shit-tastic week for once.
You ever have those moments where you feel like shit just can't get any worse? Well, this was my week. After having to deal with my totally biased principle on Monday, I ended up getting an in-school suspension over the tiniest thing. I was hella mad and proceeded to smack my bag down onto my desk upon entering my English class afterward. Haha oh I scared a lot of people, they hardcore flinched. This was not expected since I'm the chill, easy-going kid. After spending my Tuesday school day in ISS, or prison, I moseyed by for about a day without a care in the world. I ended up getting two warning letters in the mail from some bitch in the school system, talking about my ISS. BRO, I WAS THERE FOR A WHOLE FUCKING DAY. I KNOW ABOUT THIS. EVERYONE DOES. My parents are all disappoint since this is not in my nature, though they did side with me for the most part. Earlier this week I decided to change my schedule a bit for next school year. I made a big-kid decision of dropping Art next year, which shocked the fuck out a lot of people. I guess I'm just in a godawful rut because I didn't give a damn. So, I'll be harassed up until the end of the school year. This can potentially become rage inducing; shouldn't I be able to make my own decisions? Instead, I'll be taking Music Theory because I want to be the well-rounded percussionist. Drumming is my second passion, and I want to get better. With all honesty, it really bothered me that no one would support my decision. God forbid I cut art, I'm sorry that music is really important to me. And for the record, drumming has been my dream since I first picked up a horn in 3rd grade. I want to be that amazing lady percussionist and break the stereotype..
Things slowly went back to normal up until Friday after school. I thought it'd be a great idea for me and my pal, Kelsey to go hang out at her house after school. Mom and Dad were cool with it, so I ended up going to unwind a bit from a crazy week. After our pleasant hangout session, she had to drop me off at my place. During the car ride I realized my cellphone was missing and freaked out. Smartly, (for once) I asked to be dropped off at the high school to find it. Mind you, it's like 8 o' clock at night. So I managed to get it because a track kid saw me. I was a goddamn hot mess, my hair was totally destroyed and I tripped face first in a pile of mud. So my coat and jeans are officially trashed. Luckily, it was in the lost and found, so I am now able to rest at ease.
story time,
pms attack,
fried egg fried egg,
real life shiet