goddamn pennsylvania snow

Jan 26, 2011 17:31

I haven't updated my journal in a while so I'll make this a quick update;

❥ School isn't as brutal atm (for whatever reason). I only went to school twice last week cause of the weather and unpredictable snow. Oh, and it feels like goddamn Siberia, I'm talking in the NEGATIVES, you guys. I want summer again - I miss the feeling of flip-flops.

❥ I had exams the past week and I found out today that I managed to ace a lot of my tests! Surprisingly, I ROCKED the physics exam (which was totally not called for, but hey, I'm not complaining!) I also found I got the highest score on the CP english exam in my class too. I feel so smart for once sob

❥ Lots of band stuff going on right now. I'm 110% sure I'm going on the kickass trip to D.C. like right after spring break with the other bando-s. It's gonna be one hell of a good time.. especially in King's Dominion. I FUCKING LOVE ROLLER COASTERS, EVERYONE! I LOVE BEING SCARED SHITLESS AND HAVING MY HAIR A WRECK RIGHT AFTER TOO. unf adrenaline.

❥ Also we're playing the coolest song ever right now in concert band. We're playing a song, with the music from O Brother, Where art Thou complied into it. I LOVEEE that movie; me and my friend are way pumped over it. And the auxiliary percussion parts are totally sick.

Probs going to update again later this week with some art! So, worry not my darlings :9

school, weather, fuckyeah, bando-s, rockin it, gold star, banging my drum refers to sex

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